ix ; dead by dawn!

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Beth sits on her knees as she looks over Kass, making sure she wasn't hurt, and now trying to act fast before the four reanimated and came after them.

"Are you gonna be a mom?" Kassie asks

Beth lightly sighs and nods. "And I'm gonna get us out of here."

She stands up, swiftly opens the door, and finds Mr. Fonda's rifle. She arms herself, cocking the barrel. She uses herself as a wall for Kassie, pointing the gun back up the hall as they inch down towards the elevator. The lights crackle and flash around them, she turns back to the little blonde girl.

"Get back, cover your ears"

Kass nods, following instructions.

"Bethy-Boo!" Ellie screams, flying down the hall towards the two, Beth's head quickly snaps towards her and she holds the double barrel rifle up.

She squeezes the trigger, landing a round in her right leg, causing her to fall to her knees. She looks up, looking back at Kassie.

"She's trying to take your mommy away from you, Kassie." The demon speaks

Kassie stays silent for a moment before speaking, her eyes still watery with tears that she wouldn't let fall now. "I know you're not my mommy anymore."

The demon stays silent, trying to keep up the act that Ellie was still in there somewhere, that it felt hurt that Kass would ever say that to her mom. She shakes her head, looking back up at Beth.

"Don't take me from them" She speaks like she's ready to sob, "You have no idea what it's like to being a child into this world, Beth" She sniffles.

Beth's grip on the gun tightens and the demon holds its hand up to shield itself. Beth shoots off Ellie's left arm, causing her to fall face up on the floor.

Another demonic voice speaks, catching Beth off guard. "That's my gun, you thieving cunt!"

Beth grunts as she takes hold of the gun in a different way, using the butt as a weapon this time, crushing Mr. Fonda's head into his skull like Negan to Glenn and Abraham in The Walking Dead.

If Danny were here, he'd point that out for Robbie to fangirl over and make light of the situation.

Kassie missed her siblings and Robbie already, truly. She already felt an empty hole in her heart the size of Mount Everest.

She only watches as Beth grunts, bringing the gun down over and over again, attempting to kill the Deadite.

"Auntie Beth!" Kassie shouts in desperation, looking down the hall where Bridge, Danny, and Robin were all exiting apartment 85. "Auntie Beth!"

Beth looks up, seeing the three sobbing teenagers fall to their knees next to Ellie.

Their sobs turn into laughter as they look up at the two, showing off their changed appearances.

Bridge was totally and utterly charred head to toe, her lack of hair and melted face enough proof of it. Her clothes were hanging on by threads, painted black by fire damage, her shoes were barely holding up. Her legs were covered in blisters and burn wounds, and out of them seeped more maggots and that black fluid that Beth had enough of seeing tonight.

Danny didn't even have irises, his eyes rolled back into his skull. He was still drenched in his own and Bridget's mouth blood, his gums stained black from the all too familiar black ooze. His dark cyan t-shirt was cold and wet now, like he'd showered in blood and now that he was out of said shower, the shirt would've given him hypothermia or something. His hair was slicked back with the crimson substance as well while it framed his face.

Robin's eyes were also rolled back into their skull, instead of the pale white that Danny had though, their eyes were bloodshot, their vortex veins branching within their globes of vision. Their one sweatpant leg was a little bit higher than the other, exposing their socks and Converse, and some skin above their ankle, showing off some scars they'd gotten from a flea infestation some years ago. Blood covered their clothes, ruining their favorite Stevie Nicks shirt. Their arm was still all clawed up, gums also stained with that putrid ink shit.

Their laughter turns into cackles, Beth looking on in slight disgust, mostly in horror, though.

Ellie begins giggling as well, the three teenagers who were basically all her own at her sides.

In her demonic voice, she speaks once more. "Everybody here dies by dawn, Beth."

Beth takes a few quick steps back then turns around fully, ushering for Kass to run to the elevator.

"Dead by dawn!" Gabriel, the long deceased neighbor shouts.

Mr. Fonda repeats the phrase "Dead by dawn!"

The two sprint into the elevator, with Beth spamming the ground floor button. The three, very loved, and very much missed, teens join into repeating the chant over and over again.

"Dead by dawn!"

"Dead by dawn!"

"Dead by dawn!"

Ellie cackles while Kass covers her ears, watching Beth reload the firearm.

The elevator doors struggle to close and Kassie notices a ring of keys on the floor. She quickly grabs them and hands them to Beth as the doors violently shut as she retracts her hands.

Beth breathes heavily, hoping and praying the elevator would just work already.

The familiar dinging noise almost makes the woman jump out of her skin. The lights turn back on, but things weren't as they seemed.

The elevator buttons, glowing their usual off-white color, begin to turn dark red, a familiar, thick, crimson substance dripping from them. One by one, the tiny room gets a bit dimmer as each button loses its light. The elevator motor clunks, shaking the room a bit.

The blood begins seeping in through the floorboards, dousing their shoes in the thick liquid. Kass whimpers, backing herself into a corner out of fear.

The three teenagers, aged 15, 16, and 16, begin pulling, tugging, and ripping off Ellie's skin as she wriggles around and cackles. She almost begins contorting in a way, watching as the three Deadites look at work and focused as they tear her apart limb from limb.

The elevator fills up with blood like water in a swimming pool, any gap or crevice just being another entrance for it. Kass holds onto Beth, covering her eyes as the blood reaches their ankles, rushing into their shoes with an uncomfortable, sloshy feeling against their socks. Beth grabs a fallen cable, hanging onto it as the liquid reaches her torso, Kass now on her back, holding on for dear life.

Piece by piece, monsters create new monsters.

Oh, who would love you other than the children who tear you apart limb by limb to create another monster, just like you?

The elevator continues filling with blood, demons in the ceiling. No way out.

Beth looks at the little max weight sign, reading 350 pounds. The other elevator cord makes a whipping sound, and the one in Beth's hand is ripped away from her. Screams fill the elevator shaft as they fall to the ground floor.

The tsunami of blood rips the elevator doors open, and out flow Kass and Beth, soaked head to toe.

Back upstairs on floor four, the four --Ellie, Bridge, Danny, and Robin-- continue chanting, cackling and laughing, snarling and growling.

"Dead by dawn!"


idk I hope u guys r enjoying this as much as I do lmao

only one more chapter!! releasing this sunday :)

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