v ; im free now, free from all you titty-sucking parasites

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Bridge holds on to Kassie, looking surprised and concerned.

Ellie chuckles, which turns into laughter when she begins shuddering. The pan clatters on the floor as she faces the group, who jump back a bit.

She breathes heavily before speaking, her voice actually sounding like her again. "It's in me."

She swiftly drops to all fours, crawling after the group, who quickly walk backwards into the hall to get away from her.

She begins grunting as her bones begin to crack as she contorts on the floor. She vomits on the floor, the color a pale white, having a thin, liquid-y consistency.

Robin quickly grabs onto Danny's wrist, gagging a bit. They tightly shut their eyes for a moment, praying that this was a bad dream.

Bridget and Kassie begin crying out of fear as they look at their mother.

Ellie gasps, looking up at Beth.

"Don't let it take my babies,"

She then falls to the floor, unconscious in a pool of her own vomit.

Robin jumps back, hiding behind Danny, eyes shut tightly. He turns back to them and leads them to the couch with a glass of water.

Beth instantly gets to cleaning the biohazard up, having moved Ellie into the kitchen, away from the mess. The girls sit in the living room as well, holding each other closely. Beth asks Danny for help, and the two quickly get up to watch the duo drag Ellie into the hallway and walk towards the end of the hall.

"Mom!" Kassie calls

Beth turns around, "Bridget, take her back inside."

The two look teary-eyed as they watch Danny and Beth rush down the hall. Bridge brings her little sister back inside, resting her forehead on the door.

Robin sits on the couch silently, working their way through a little moment. Bridge leads Kassie back to her room to comfort her.

Robin then hears Beth shouting in the hallway, and then Danny. They quickly run to the door, opening it for them, Ellie still in their arms.

They place her in the bathtub, still full of cold water.

"What's fucking happening right now?" They ask, their hands shaking.

"She's burning up but she's alive," Beth quickly explains.

Bridge overhears and looks at her mom, shaking violently in the bathtub. "I'll get ice" She says, quickly running to the kitchen.

Ellie's eyes roll back into her skull, making a lot of disturbing noises. Beth and Danny struggle to keep her contained as Robin watches from the doorway, shouting for Kassie to close her door.

Her veins were literally popping out of her skin, colored a matte black.

Robin watches as she levitated and flew up to the ceiling with a grunt. Danny and Beth fall back, shocked and scared. She loudly screams, causing the trio to cover their ears while the water beneath her begins to boil.

Robin takes in her new appearance as they stare at the woman. She was totally pale, like the blood vanished from her body. Her eyes were just... white bulbs. Her screams cracked the mirror on the wall, and even in the other room, Bridge and Kassie covered their ears.

She then quickly stops, and after a few moments, falls back into the tub.

The trio breathe shakily, slowly removing their hands from their ears. They watch as her hand emerges, and slowly, her head. Her eyes were now a yellow color, pupils dilated as small as thumbtack needles.

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