Year One: Day One

Start from the beginning

"Avoid Snape, got it." Violet agreed, "Any other advise?"

Cedric replied, "Not really. Do your work, stay out of trouble, the usual."

Suddenly papers were flying through the air, each hovering in the air in front of students. Only the first-years, Violet saw. Then a paper stopped in front of her and she realised it was her timetable. 

She, Caroline, Hannah, and Aimee began to compare their schedules. 

"Hey, we all have the same schedules!" Aimee exclaimed.

"Did Gabriel not explain that?" Tamsin shook her head, "All students share the same classes first and second year with their own house, though some classes overlap with other houses. You'll likely have classes with Ravenclaw more than the others, but you'll surely have at least one with Gryffindor and Slytherin each."

"Right, okay..." Violet nodded, "We should probably get going if we're going to find our first class. Herbology?"

"That'll be Professor Sprout. She's also the head of Hufflepuff." Cedric said, standing up with the group of first-year girls, "She's out in the greenhouse behind the castle. My first class is that way, I'll walk you down there. Bye guys!" 

He waved to his friends before leading the girls out of the hall. They following him through the castle, making small talk as they walked. 

Violet learned that Aimee, Caroline, and Cedric were considered "Purebloods", or having both parents be Witches/Wizards, while she and Hannah were "half-bloods", or having non-magical parents. Cedric was very assertive that blood status didn't matter, despite what some believe. He warned them against Slytherins, who were the worst of the houses, as they tended to be bullies and violent.

He led them halfway down to the greenhouse, wishing them luck on their first day before heading back inside for his own classes. 

The girls entered the greenhouse, glancing around at the fellow Hufflepuff first-years. There were also students who introduced themselves as Gryffindors. At the mention of the red-and-gold house, Violet began looking around for Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Upon finding them, she waved as they glanced over. They were on the other side of the long tables, so they had to speak up over the other students to hear each other. 

The raven-haired boy smiled, "Alright, Violet?"

"Alright, Harry." She returned. 

Before she could say anything else, an older woman walked in. She was a squat little witch, with short grey hair and a brown dress, which was covered in dirt, as were her hands. She smiled brightly at the students, briefly introducing herself as Professor Sprout before launching into her lesson.


By the end of the day, Violet was exhausted by the overwhelming amount of information she'd gotten. 

She'd had five classes throughout the day, each lasting just over an hour. By the time her last lesson ended at 5:30pm and she was heading for dinner, she wasn't sure she could handle a single new fact. 

First was Herbology with the Gryffindors, then Potions with just Hufflepuffs. This was followed by an hour lunch, then History of Magic with Slytherins, who had been far beyond obnoxious.

The worst of them was the white-blonde boy that she'd met her first evening at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy. He and his friends, Crabbe and Goyle, were picking on the nervous first year Hufflepuffs. Throughout the, admittedly boring, lesson, they were constantly throwing bits of paper at other students. Anytime someone tried to walk by, they tripped them. And they constantly made rude comments about others' looks.

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