The Date

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"The portal's ready," Discord said after conjuring a swirling red void.

All the animals were gathered in front of the portal, staring at it questioningly. The draconequus looked to Fluttershy.

"Are you ready?"

She inhaled deeply. "Yes." She turned to the crowd of creatures. "My friends, I know some of you are unhappy here and wish to go, so..I'm giving you a chance. This portal here will take you anywhere you want."

There was much chatter among the animals.

"Don't worry about me. I love every one of you, can't stay here for my sake, not forever. I...I'll be fine."

After hearing some more chirping, Fluttershy hung her head.

" won't see me again if you leave."

Angel stepped forth and pointed towards Discord.

"He won't hurt me. Really, I can take care of myself."

The animals she had been friends with for years squeaked in protest.

"You can take care of yourselves as well. You did fine without me before, you'll be fine without me now. don't need me anymore." She floated to the ground. "The portal's there. The choice is yours."

For a while, the animals stood there, wondering what to do. Then a few headed towards the portal. Fluttershy turned away, unable to watch. She could hear the electric noise as the animals stepped through the void. She tried to hold back the tears, but it was no use. She ran to the nearest tree and buried her face in her hooves and began weeping.

After a while, she could no longer hear any chirps, squeaks or grunts. She did not need to turn around to know that they were all gone now. Then she felt something soft patting her head. She looked up and saw Angel smiling at her. Other animals surrounded her, some badgers, squirrels birds, ducks and mice who had stayed behind.

"But..." she stammered. "I don't understand..."

They all chimed in unison, as if to say: "We're not going anywhere."

She sniffed. "Thank you, friends."

But she could not help but weep for the animals that had left. After closing the portal, Discord cautiously approached his fiancé. He got a few angry glares from the animals, but Fluttershy raised her hoof, assuring that it was alright. Still glaring at the draconequus, they slowly broke apart. Discord knelt down to her.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she choked.

"That was...very brave of you."

"I know. I just...can't help..."

She buried her face in his fur and cried. Discord slowly wrapped his arms around her and stroked her mane.

"Shhh," he whispered. "There, there. They're happy now, aren't they? That should make you happy, right?"

"I suppose," she sobbed.

"No more tears then."

He took her face in his hands and wiped away her tears. He had to think of a way to cheer her up. Then it hit him.

"How about I take you out to dinner tonight?"

Fluttershy blinked in confusion. "Out?"

He nodded with a grin.

"You mean...outside the castle?"

"Well, I understand if you're not up for it..."

"No! That would be wonderful."

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