The Proposition

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Discord continued to spread his chaos across Equestria. He turned the railroads into red licorice, the buffalos into gymnasts, the trees into candy canes and the birds into oranges. The last one was thanks to Twilight Sparkle. He then switched from night to day every few minutes so he could see his work. He saved Ponyville for last.

"Hmm, let's see," he murmured to himself as he hovered over the unsuspecting town. "What to do? What to do?"

He paused when he heard laughter. He glanced down and saw two ponies having a picnic under a gazebo. He recognized them as Applejack's older brother and the local school teacher. The stallion was wearing a bowtie and dinner jacket, while the mare was wearing a pretty pink dress. Discord perched himself on a cloud and watched.

"It was nice of you to plan a picnic, Big Mac," said Cheerilee.

"Yup," her date nodded.

The draconequus had to duck as she looked up at the sky. "Beautiful night, isn't it?"

Big Macintosh looked in her direction. "Yup."

Discord rolled his eyes. "Come on, boy! You can say more words than that!"

Suddenly, a smaller version of himself with devil horns and a pitchfork appeared on his shoulder.

"What are you waiting for? They're having a lovely date. Ruin it!"

He nodded and snapped his fingers. Below, Big Macintosh let out a loud burp. He blushed in embarrassment.


She's going to dump him now, the draconequus thought, chuckling to himself.

But instead, she giggled. "Someone's had too much champagne."

Discord was confused, but tried something else. As Cheerilee took a sip of her drink, he snapped his fingers, causing her to spit the champagne into Big Mac's face. Maybe he will dump her now!

Cheerilee smiled awkwardly. "Sorry. Looks like I've had too much as well."

They stared at each other and both laughed. Discord was beginning to get annoyed. He summoned up a storm of cotton candy clouds and made them rain chocolate milk on the couple.

"Strange," Cheerilee said. "There wasn't a cloud in the sky a minute ago."

She yelped as a bolt of lightning almost struck her. Her clothes and mane were getting drenched in chocolate milk. Big Macintosh ripped his jacket off and threw it over her shoulders. The two ran toward the barn and huddled inside with the farm animals.

Cheerilee began taking off the jacket, but Big Mac stopped her with his hoof and shook his head.

"Thank you, Big Mac," she said with a smile. She then glanced at the storm outside. "Wow, what dumb luck, huh?"


They laughed and rubbed their noses together. Discord slammed his paw on his cloud.

"I don't get it!" he shouted. "I humiliated them, made it rain on their picnic and they're still happy?!"

"Sickening, isn't it?" his shoulder devil gagged.

He stared down at the couple as they settled in an embrace and looked into each other's eyes. He let out a longing sigh. "Yeah. Sickening."

"You don't sound so convinced."

"Why do you suppose no pony's looked at us that way?"

"We're too magnificent for such sap!"

"Hey, why am I even talking to you when there are ponies to hear me gloat?"

He kicked his small self away and steered the cloud towards Canterlot.

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