𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 25; Arien: *sees a boy* 😳

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'Is that his family crest? Looks like two snakes climbing on a tree, and Sora likes snakes...'

Arien heard an uninterested hum from behind, and the man in front of her quickly flashed an expression of realisation and bowed down on one knee with an arm in front of his chest.

"I am the head of the Rosea Ducal family," he declared before he gestured towards the young boy standing stoically at his side. "And this is my son." The child gazed on with an inscrutable expression.

The young boy mirrored his father's actions, lowering himself to one knee in a respectful bow. "Greetings to Your Imperial Highnesses, The Fourth Prince, First Princess—" he intoned with a tone of reverence. He slowly raised his head, his stormy grey eyes met the gaze of the bottomless heterochromia eyes.

Sora sharpened her gaze as their eyes locked for the briefest of moments and stared him down, letting out an aura of authority through her piercing stare. The boy quickly averted his eyes back to the ground and finished his greeting.

"—and Second Princess."

Sora noticed the slight tremor in his eyes when he let his gaze drop. But that didn't stop her saying, "Oh no, do not address me with that title..."

She sidestepped Arien and closed the distance between herself and the boy. Coming to a halt mere inches away from him, she leaned in slightly, her presence looming over him with a hint of intimidation.

"Raise your head and look at me."

The boy complied with her unspoken command and lifted his head. Once again, their eyes met. And once again, stormy eyes, willingly or not, tremored.

"Good boy," Sora's lips curled into a sly smile as she leaned in even closer. The expression she outwardly presented was a mix of amusement and intrigue. "Now try again. Keep your eyes on me this time. "

"...Greetings to you, Your Imperial Highness."

"And aren't you going to introduce yourself as well?"

The boy avoided her gaze. "I...I've always been addressed as Young Master Rosea outside."

Sora emitted a soft hum of acknowledgment before leaning in closer, her face brushing inches away against his. The delicate aroma of ripe pomegranates engulfed the boy's senses.

The closeness of her proximity allowed him to feel each and every letter being pronounced from her lips as she whispered into his ear. "Tell me and I won't tell anyone else, not even Arjen and Arien."

The boy paused. He seemed to take a moment to gather his thoughts, then slowly parted his lips, leaning in closer to whisper into Sora's ear.

Sora took a step back and tilted her head slightly, amusement danced on her lips. "It wasn't that hard, was it?"

"You're a lot different from the rumours..." he murmured.

"Never trust a pack of rabbit dogs, all they do is bark." She lightly tapped him on the nose with a smile and walked back beside Arjen. Their hands linked again.

"What was that?" he asked, curious.

"Oh nothing."

"Mhm, sure."

None of the adults really seemed to notice Sora and the boy's interaction, seeing as Duke Rosea was currently talking (arguing) with Ishian. The maid's expression twisted by the second and Duke Rosea's voice quickly became unsettled.

The tension dropped more and more as time passed, until Ishian ended the conversation and Duke Rosea accepted defeat with a pitiful cough into his fist as he pulled his son out of a staring contest with Sora and pushed him towards the three siblings.

𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒║The Twin Siblings New Life x ocDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora