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As we stepped out of the coffee shop, the fresh air hit us, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and excitement. Matt turned to me and casually asked, "Do you have a vehicle?"

I pointed to my bike with a grin, "Just my trusty bike."

Matt, looking amused, then gestured towards his impressive Bentley car parked nearby, "Well, I've got this beauty. How about a change of plans? Want to ride with me?"

Huh? Pwede ba sayo nalang ako mag-ride? What the heck?! Erase that thoughts

Surprised and slightly flustered, I laughed, "A Bentley? That's a bit much for a ride!"

He shrugged playfully, "Why not make it a memorable one?"

I hesitated for a moment, then thought, "Why not indeed?"

So, with a spontaneous decision, I hopped into the passenger seat of Matt's Bentley, and our conversation continued as the car pulled away, leaving the coffee shop behind. The hum of the engine and the unexpected turn of events added a layer of excitement to our unplanned adventure.

He glanced over and asked, "So, where do you want to go?"

I looked out the window, pondering the question. "Hmm, how about somewhere with a nice view? Maybe a park or a hill?"

Matt grinned, "Great choice! Any specific park or hill in mind?"

I chuckled, "Surprise me. I'm up for an adventure."

The wind felt nicw on my face. It was a chill ride, and our talks added a comfy vibe.

Matt started sharing stories about his college days, throwing in some tales about ex-relationships, flings, and even the topic of, well, you know, "sex." I found it surprisingly easygoing, and soon I was sharing my own experiences.

Amidst laughter and casual sharing, I decided to ask, "So, Matt, tell me about that supposed date from the dating app. What happened?"

He chuckled, "Ah, that. Well, she didn't show up. Happens, you know?"

Eager for more details, I pressed on,"Did she give any reason?"

Shrugging, He replied, "Not really. Just a no-show."

"So, you were ghosted?" I laughed.

"I think so."

I couldn't help but dig a bit more into his dating app story. "How long were you talking with that supposed date?" I asked.

He thought for a moment before answering, "More than a week, I guess."

I wrinkled my nose, "Not super long, but still, ghosting isn't cool. She should've at least said why she couldn't make it."

Matt just flashed a grin and said, "Eh, it's fine. Look, I met you."

His words hit me in a way I didn't expect. A warmth spread through me, and for a second, everything felt a bit different. A small smile played on my lips as I realized that sometimes unexpected things, like a quirky conversation in a fancy car, could turn an ordinary day into something surprisingly special.

"Siraulo, baka mang-ghost ka rin sakin ha."

Natawa siya sa sinabi ko.

When Matt's car stopped, I peeked outside and was greeted by a stunning sight. The hill was all lit up by the setting sun, making the city below glow in warm colors. It was like a painting come to life.

I couldn't hide my excitement, "Wow, I've never been here before. It's so pretty!"

Matt grinned, "Glad you like it. Let's go see the view."

We stepped out, and the air was cool. The sunset painted the sky in shades of orange and pink. Matt reached out his hand, and I took it as we climbed up the hill. The climb was easier with his help, and he held me gently.

At the top, the whole city spread out before us. Lights twinkled, and the sun dipping down turned the sky into a mix of colors. It was like a breathtaking postcard.

I couldn't help but share my surprise, "This is amazing! First time here."

Matt smiled, "Happy to show you."

We stood there, hand in hand, taking in the city below as the sunset made everything even more beautiful. It felt like a special moment, and I couldn't believe how a simple decision led us to this stunning view, creating a memory I'd cherish.

Feeling all excited, I took out my phone to snap some pics of the amazing view. The city lights and the setting sun made it look so cool. While clicking away, I sneaked a pic of Matt without him noticing.

With a playful grin, I went up to him, "Hey, Matt, how 'bout a selfie?"

He turned with a smile, "Sure!"

We got close, snapped a selfie with the city behind us. The colors of the sunset made it look awesome. It was like capturing a piece of our spontaneous adventure, turning an ordinary day into something extraordinary.

Ayoko nang matapos ang araw na 'to.

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