I took a bite of my pie while smiling. "Carter," I chuckled. "yes, he did mark me."

"That's great!" Carroll smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"But we didn't..." I didn't continue my sentence. I knew they'd understand me.

"Ohh, I see."

"Yeah, we were too busy sorting out other problems." I raised my eyebrows and took another bite of the pie.

"What other problems?" Carter looked at Carroll and frowned.

"Esra, what's wrong?" Carroll asked.

I sighed the heaviest sigh for today. I started telling them the whole story. From Azrael to Damon being my brother. They were extremely shocked and had never expected this much of a mess.

"I think I may have some information that can help you, or at least gives you a heads up." Carter said.

"We got a letter from someone named Frederic." Carroll began. "He asked us to join his pack."

"We've even asked the other lone wolves in this world and they have got the same letter from the same person." Carter continued. "It looks like this alpha is gathering all the rogues from the human world."

"But why?"

"No idea. The letter just asked if we were interested in joining the pack."

"Did you accept?" I asked. Curiosity got the better of me and I regretted asking after I saw the looks on their faces. It looked broken.

"We're still deciding." Carroll finally said.

"Oh." I nodded. We were quiet for several moments. And the idea struck me. "What if you guys join my pack?" I shook my head. "I mean Zade's."

"Esra, that would be wonderful." Carroll began to cry out of joy. "We won't have to run from the hunters anymore."

"Hunters?" I asked, confused.

"We haven't told you that part." Carroll said, hesitating.

"What part?" I asked, warily.

"Ever since you left, this town has been crawling with hunters hunting us down."

"What about Derek and everyone?"

"They all fled. None of them accepted the alpha's offer." Carter interjected.

"Alpha Frederic." I mumbled and thought. "Show me the letter."

Carter got up from his seat and fetched it from the kitchen cabinet. "Here." He handed it to me.

I opened the envelope and read the letter silently. It was exactly how Carroll explained it was. Something at the bottom of the letter caught my eye. It was a symbol of the sea.

"Every pack has a symbol and I've never seen this one before." I showed the two of them.

"We thought you'd know." Carroll said.

"I'll have Zade look at it." I said. I took out my phone that I found in my room and snapped a picture of it.

A moment later, there was a knock on the door.

"Are you expecting someone?" I asked.

"No." Carter shook his head and went to answer the door.

I familiar energy signature hit me like a brick wall.

Oh no.

The door opened and on the other side stood the man I hoped wouldn't find me while I was here.

"Come in." Carter said.

"Thank you." Zade smiled and looked at me.

"Esra." His smile grew bigger and he walked toward me and kissed me. "I'm glad to see that you've finally got out of your room. You haven't eaten the entire day, it worried me."

I was stunned and speechless. "Who possessed you?" I frowned and shoved him playfully.

"Let's face the fact that when you left the note in my office," He took out the note from his pocket and showed me. "I sensed you out of your room. And then you forgot to lock it and I saw the window open. And then Damon had to show you a gap." He sighed.

"Damon told you?" I winced.

"No. I saw him sneaking and leaving the pack house so I followed him and found that he was following you."

"So you let me go?"

"I followed you here." His smile fell. "You should have told me you wanted to come here."

"I know. I just wanted to be alone."

"I know. As long as you're safe and happy then I'm happy." He cupped my face and kissed my forehead. "Hmm. Is that apple pie?" He sniffed the air and found my plate still full. "Don't mind if I do." He took the spoon and took a bite from my piece of pie.

"What's gotten into you, Zade?" I chuckled. "Zade."

"Hmm." He smiled and kissed me again.

I looked at Carroll and Carter who were more lost than I was. I turned back to him. "Zade."

He continued to eat my pie and ignored me. "Zade." I slapped him and he fell on the floor.

"I love you, Esra." He muttered while lying on the floor and sucking onto the spoon. This wasn't like Zade. This wasn't like him at all.

"Zade, what happened to you?" I asked and helped to get him up.

"I-" He hicupped. "had the best day of my l-life."

I turned him around and searched for anything on his clothes. And then I found it. A tranquilizer with a purple head was stuck in his leg. "Oh my god."

Carter came to my aid and pulled it out.

"Why is it purple?" I asked.

"Because it represents wolfsbane." Carter growled. "They know we're here. Carroll lock all the doors and windows.

Carroll rushed and locked the front door first then continued with the windows.

"Esra, we have to get to the clearing now." Carter said. He picked up Zade like a sack of potatoes and hurried through the kitchen door that led to the backyard. "We'll go through from the back.

I took my backpack and hurried out. Carroll hurried out with a bag as well.

Carter opened the back gate and we all ran as fast as we could. There were gun shots not too far away. The hunters were getting closer and closer.

I heard something ticking from behind me. I turned my head as I ran and saw the house blow up.

Carroll and Carter's house.

I stopped dead in my tracks and stared at the magnificent house now in flames.

How could those hunters be so cruel? Why would they want us dead?

We're not the monsters. They are.

"Esra!" I heard people shouting my name but I was too deaf to acknowledge it. My mind was focused on the burning house and the tears prickling my eyes.

"Esra, we have to go." Carroll grabbed me by my arm and pulled me. I didn't even bother to figure out what we were doing.

I was finally pulled into something that made me gasp. The static waves that rushed through me as the earthy forest scent started to fade.

I was going back.

And just when my mind eased a little, a rushing wave of worry ran through me when I noticed the predicament we were in...

Editing has stopped here. If there are any story errors or grammatical errors, please be patient, editing is still in process.
Thanks ;)

Bound To The Alpha [EDITING] (#1 New Moon) Where stories live. Discover now