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Songs for this chapter.

Break - alex_g_offline
Cry Baby - The Neighborhood


The whole car ride back to my apartment, was torturous. With the tears nesting in my eyes and the way my chest was tightening, I wasn't making it to my door without breaking down.

I thanked the driver as he found a parking spot and unlocked the car doors so I could get out. The closer I got to my door, the more the my eyes stung. I struggled to get my key in the door knob but I eventually got it. I didn't even bother neatly putting my bags away and unpacking my gear, I just tossed it by the closet and layed onto my bed, letting all the emotions from tonight out and into my pillow.

God this was so stupid. We just fully met today and I'm acting like I've known her for years. I just felt so comfortable and safe with her, like I had known her for years.

The tightness in my chest only got worse the more I cried and tried to breathe. My head was pounding. I wanted to call her so bad, ask her to come here and talk to me. But I knew I shouldn't, I couldn't. I promised Liv.

If only she had said no. If only she said it was okay, she'd get over it. The thought of possibilities only made me cry harder into my pillow. I knew this was stupid, and that I shouldn't be crying, there was just something about her.

The way her hair framed her face perfectly, her tattoos, her piercings, the specific shade of blue her eyes were and how'd they'd change depending on the lighting. God, I missed her.

I finally calmed down after about an hour. I thought about sleeping but I just couldn't. I sighed, grabbing my phone and opening Instagram.

I liked a few posts, and then decided I was bored and went to stalk Rhea's account. We had already been following eachother, so it wasn't that bad, right?

I saw she posted a new photo and I felt my heartbeat speed up as I clicked on it.



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Oh my god. This was going to be even harder than I thought.


It had been a few weeks since I last spoke to Rhea in person and to say I was hating it would be an understatement. Having to see her backstage, weak smiles to eachother, watching her talk to everyone but me, was killing me. We'd texted only a few times, times when the whole situation became too much and I couldn't breathe, and I desperately needed her voice.

I knew it was a bad idea, because we'd only grown closer rather than farther apart. It became a thing where she'd call me every night to make sure I actually got some sleep, and I'd wake up and she'd still be there. But we couldn't see eachother. I couldn't touch her, couldn't smile at her, couldn't do anything but text, and call.

Of course, I felt bad. But Rhea was sure to remind me often that in a way, Liv really had no reason to keep us from eachother, they were never a thing, plus there was nothing even going on between us. Just a friend calming down another friend. It was really just my guilt of hurting Liv that kept us in the spot we were in, and not wanting to cause any conflict.

So now, as I sat getting my makeup done, my eyes were on Rhea from a far. We had gotten into a heated argument earlier, and I still felt bad. She wanted to drive me home but I kept telling her no. Which then resulted in her telling me that if I don't want anything to do with her, just tell her. Which was not the case, at all.

My feelings for her were growing fast, but I couldn't say anything. I tried to explain to her that I loved having around, and she was the only person who could calm me down but she was just so upset. She hung up the phone, and we haven't spoken since.

Rhea caught me staring, and then looked to the floor. God, I wish I could just touch her, tell her how much I needed her. I tried shooting her a small smile when she looked back up, but she just walked away. Oh.

I was talking to Becky, rambling on about my current situation as I haven't been able to. "I just- God, I don't know what to do. I want her so bad, she makes me feel safe. But Liv." I strained, placing my hand on my forehead. "I say tell her, Liv and her were nothing more than a tag team. She isn't off limits, you know." Becky smiled, gently punching my arm. I smiled too. "Ugh! I just like her so much." Becky laughed, shaking her head and looking down.

Raw had just finished. I didn't have a match, just a backstage promo but I stayed for the rest of the show. Liv wasn't here tonight, she wouldn't tell me why, but I took advantage of her absence and went off to find Rhea. I asked around, and they all said she was in her dressing room.

Knocking on the door, I wanted until she answered. The door opened, but Rhea felt different. She was closed off, angry. I went to reach for her shoulder but she shrugged me off. "Rhe? What's wrong?" I asked, walking under her arm and into the room.

She scoffed, shutting the door with force as she ran her hand through her hair. "You fuckin' know what." She mumbled. I was taken aback a bit, this was the first she'd spoken to me like this. "What?" I asked, genuinely curious as to what upset her so much. "What? You just gonna act like you don't know what you've been doing, this whole month?"

She sounded like she couldn't believe what she was hearing, but I was truly confused. "What are you talking about, Rhea?" My voice was practically a whisper as I looked up at her, brows furrowed. Rhea scoffed again. "Leading me on, Aurora." This is the first time she didn't even use my actual name, fuck.

"I am not, Rhea." I was upset, and honestly shocked she had thought that. "And worst of all," she continued. "I had to overhear you talking to Becky, about it. You didn't even come to me. How was I supposed to know you even actually felt that way?" She asked, eyes widened a little as her brows furrowed in the slightest bit. God damn it. "I thought you knew!" I said, a bit too loudly for my liking but it got the point across, if only for a second.

"How was I supposed to know when you're constantly basically shoving the fact you can't even publicly talk to me without her getting mad at you in my face?"

I sighed once more. "Just because I don't want to hurt my bestfriend does not mean that I suddenly never felt anything for you, Rhea." I was quickly getting defensive. I wish I could just get her to understand. See it from my point of view, put herself in my shoes. "But you're hurting me, too, Eve." Rhea's voice was quiet, and it felt like my heart had been ripped out and stepped on repeatedly. "Rhea..."

I started but she was quick to cut me off. "Don't bother." She went to walk away, but I grabbed her wrist. "You're not walking away, not from this, Rhea." I shook my head as Rhea's eyes looked everywhere but mine. "You don't know how bad I want this, how bad I want you, Rhea. But I can't, L-" "Liv's more fucking important. Yeah, Angie. I get it."
She mumbled.

I shook my head again. "No, Rhea. If you would've let me finish. I love Liv, but I've been thinking. You're right. If you two never dated, there's no reason for her to really have a say in this." I said, confident in my choice. I watched Rhea's hard gaze soften as she smiled a bit. "Please tell me you mean that." She whispered, hand hovering by my cheek. "I mean every word, Rhea. I know it hasn't been long, at all. But with every interaction we've had, even before you helping me, there's always been something special about it." I smiled.

"Fuck, you have no idea how long I've waited to hear those words, angel." Rhea sighed in relief, tipping her head back. "Rhea." I said softly. She looked down. "Kiss me."

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