🌾| Exploring.

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(fem reader im so sorry...)

Walking past trees and rocks, it isn't something smart to do- Being all alone in a random creepy forest, walking to some supposed mausoleum that's in it, where you can "hear voices" they said.

Moving to Nockfell, you've heard things from accquaintences you've made so you don't go insane from being lonely, such as there are ghosts. But that's what everybody says when someone new moves there. Being an adventurous, independent teenager you always decide to investigate, though in hindsight it's sort of stupid, you can get killed.

It was a little chilly and gloomy- But it was supposedly the norm for fall. Well, it's not like you expected it to be 70 degrees (f) out and sunny, did you? Yeah, you were glad it got less gloomy during summer and spring.

Your converse, the only pair of shoes you had that weren't some form of boots, accompanied you on this weird creepy little stroll. Luckily, you spotted it quickly, groaning and walking inside. It smelt musty, like a decaying animal, you just hoped only its bones were left, you couldn't handle anything less than that.

"It fucking stinks in here."

You huffed, talking to nobody in particular. It was odd talking to yourself, but you were starting to feel uneasy, it wasn't full blown anxiety, just your intuition telling you something was up.

Nevermind that, you had to see this for yourself.

"Close your eyes..."

You closed your eyes.

"Count to three in your head."

You counted to three.

"And turn around."

You turned around and waited as the memory of what the girl at school had told you played, a sliver of hope and curiosity that it would work.

You waited some more...

Nothing, sadly.

You rolled your eyes, feeling a little embarassed that you believed such a thing for a second, I mean, come on! Someone your age should know better, it was foolish.

You walked out and treaded back the way you came, before you froze for a little, you had heard leaves crunching but it didn't sound like an animal, it sounded like... Crunching from multiple spots.

You looked up just to be sure, only breathing a sigh of relief as you noticed a group of teenagers, you thought you had seen one or two of them at your school. You were glad it was just them, in any other situation you wouldve been toast. You noticed the blue-haired guy had some weird... Gameboy?

Well, no mind trying to talk to them, they clearly had their own thing going on, you'd just embarass yourself trying to talk to them at all. And, the sun was setting, your dad would be pissed with you if you weren't home.

... "7:53 PM."

Your feet made heavy thuds as you rode in the elevator, heading for the fourth floor. You hurriedly stepped out, curse daylight savings time for making you anxious as soon as the sun went down. It was pitch black out!

You walked to 403, your apartment. Previously inhabited by a woman before you, Mr.Addison was legally obligated to tell you she was murdered, but your dad really needed a cheap place for the two of you. It wasn't bad, really, you'd seen worse.

You locked the door behind you as you stepped in, kicking off your shoes and shuddering, finally being warmed up after being cold walking all the way back home. You dreaded going to school tomorrow, really, it was something you and everybody else hated. It was stressful, anxiety inducing, and it just didn't make sense...

I'm no longer here. ( Larry Johnson x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now