"But serial killers and terrorists have different personality traits." Ashley says.

"How does Doyle fit in?" Spencer asks.

"He was their last case. And now the JTF is on his hit list." JJ says. "Jeremy Wolff was victim number one, from Germany's BND. Sean McAlister at Interpol was the second. He's the one that brought the JTF in to work the Doyle case. He was murdered last week in Brussels with his wife and daughter. Tsia Mosely of France's DCRI. She got engaged to Jeremy earlier this year. After he died, she fled to D.C. And team leader Clyde Easter, British S.I.S. He hasn't checked in since Tsia's murder. He was also in D.C."

"Did JTF make the arrests?" Hotch asks.

"No, the host countries handled that. The team moved on to the next case." JJ says.

"If all they did was deliver a profile, how does Doyle even know about them?" Hotch asks.

"Well, considering the shadowy nature of terrorist cells, they utilize a skill we don't -- infiltration." JJ says.

"Who was undercover on Doyle?" Spencer asks.

"Emily. She made contact with him in Boston to get intel on Valhalla." JJ says. "She was posing as another weapons dealer."

"Look at how she's dressed." Derek says. "She seems awfully comfortable."

"How close did she get to Doyle as part of her cover?" Hotch asks.

"The recon they did on Doyle included a background of all his romantic relationships. Emily was his type." JJ says.


Rossi, Bedelia, and Derek get to Emily's apartment and go into her bedroom.

"She asked you to stop here yesterday?" Rossi asks.

"Yeah. Change her boots and... get whatever she needed, I guess." Derek says.

"It's never easy, you know, having to dig through a friend's life." Rossi says.

"It's extremely unsettling." Bedelia mutters.

"But that's not what's bugging you, is it?" Rossi asks Derek. "You're angry. Because she crossed the line with Doyle."

"No, I'm not." Derek argues.

"Right." Bedelia mumbles, rolling her eyes.

"I'm angry because a group of mercenaries just shot at me. I don't much like being shot at." Derek says. "Prentiss knew exactly what was going on, but she didn't bother to tell any of us."

"She couldn't without putting us at risk." Rossi says.

"Come on, man, we don't know that." Derek says. "All we do know is that she slept with a terrorist for a profile. And instead of coming clean with us about her dirty laundry, she just ran with it."

"Derek!" Bedelia chides.

"You think it's that simple?" Rossi asks, pulling a large envelope out of a safe.

"Till there's a reason not to." Derek says.

"Well... here's one." Rossi says. He tosses the object at Derek. "That's her passport, the real one. Now, if you wanted to vanish, wouldn't you take that with you?" He asks, putting the envelope down and walking into the bathroom.

"This doesn't mean anything." Derek says, putting the passport down. "I worked with that woman for 5 years. I put my life in her hands. I called her my friend. But right now I can't even say that I ever really knew her. Can you?"

"She's your friend, Derek." Bedelia says. "What, like we know every little detail about you? About every job you've worked? No. We don't. Maybe she didn't want to put us on risk, maybe she didn't want to talk about a time she probably wasn't happy in. It was possibly traumatic. We don't know anything. So just shut up."

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