
You realize you were staring with a stupid smile on your face and you immediately feel embarrassed.

"Uh-nothing just um-." 

"Don't hurt yourself, cutie."

She smirks at you as she open her fridge and takes out some milk. "I hope you like cereal...I haven't had the time to shop so..."

"What?" Wait she's making you breakfast? Well technically anyway. "No, cereal's fine." 


She hands you a bowl and starts making her own. You start to fidget in place and continue to stare at every move Jisoo makes. It's strange, she's so...normal. You kinda like that. You see her sit in a stool by the kitchen island and she takes a spoonful of cereal as she stares at you. You snap out of it and lean your elbows on the island as you keep eating. It's quiet between the two of you for a while until you finally speak up.



"Last night was...fun."


"You know what I mean."

"If what you mean is the best night of your life then yes, I know what you mean." She smirks taking in another spoonful of her cereal.

"Pfff." She sure is confident. She raises and eyebrow at you.

"Ok fine, so it was great. No need to brag about it."

"You had me working all night, I think I have bragging rights." 

"I thought you said you could handle it?"

"I did."

The two of you are staring at each other until Jisoo ducks her head trying to hide her smile. You smile too before ducking your own head and taking another spoonful of cereal.

You try and distract yourself from looking at her and start looking around the place. Last night it was pretty dark and you weren't really paying attention to where you where. The walls are nice old fashion bricks on one side while the other wall has a bunch of instruments hanging. The floor is this polished dark wood and it's not exactly clean but it still looks nice. There's a big window with a nice view of the city. Not bad. At night it may have seemed a bit creepy out but the view looks nice, a few trees and buildings.

"This is a nice place."

"Hm? Oh the apartment? Yeah I have a thing for old buildings. In a way I'm a city girl." 

"Oh, okay."

You see Jisoo fidget with her spoon in her bowl for a few seconds before she speaks up again.

"What about you, where are you from?" 


"You see anybody else here, Babe?" she smirks.

You bunch up your face annoyed but answer anyway. "I'm more of a small town girl." you look down at your bowl. "but I live like 20 minutes out of the city."

"Oh." she pauses. "I still don't get how I've never seen you around before."

You scoff. "I don't really hang out much." You put your bowl down. "Have you seen my phone?"

"It's in the bedroom." 


You go get your phone and curse when you realize it's dead. Fuck I hope dad hasn't called. Hell I hope he hasn't waken up yet. He's totally gonna freak out if he-

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