057. sense memory

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"So we're back to nothing." Rossi says.

"No, not necessarily. I looked at the crime scene photos. These sites are true dumpsites. I mean, there's no concealment, no staging. He literally just dumps the bodies there like garbage once he's done with them." Spencer says.

"The randomness could be orchestrated or it could be simple opportunity. Either way, he's very mobile." Hotch says.

"All of the dumpsites, including the most recent one, are between the 110 and 405 freeway and the 5 and 10 north and south." Spencer says.

"Linda Dean's family said she always took the red line home from work at night, but the subway in L.A. stops running at 1 A.M. She clocked out of work at 5 past 1:00." Emily states.

"L.A. at 1 A.M.? She probably didn't walk home." Rossi says.

"No. And Kingsley's a mile away." Emily says.

"All the victims had breathed an aerosolized chloroform, and to do that he needs an enclosed space." Hotch says.

"You know, chloroform's a lot more controlled than methanol. I'll have Garcia track any large quantity purchases or thefts from chemical supply houses." Spencer says.

"So we're looking for a vehicle, one that could be any area of Los Angeles at 1:00 in the morning and not attract attention." Emily says.

"I hate to say it, but that could be a police car." The detective says.

"Or a taxi." Hotch says.


"There's 7 companies. Garcia's running them now." Derek says.

"Good." Hotch says.

"Most taxis here run out of cab stands. It's not like New York where they're running all over the place." The detective says.

"That should help narrow down the choices." Hotch says. "Excuse me." He walks off.

~ ~ ~

"What do you got?" Derek asks.

"Okay, I checked all 7 cab companies that service the Hollywood and Vermont area. And none of the drivers reported picking anyone up between 11:00 and 2:00 the night Linda went missing." Penelope says.

"And they know that for sure?" Emily asks.

"Yeah, they seemed really certain." Penelope says.

"Well, one of the drivers may have picked someone up off the meter." Derek says.

"The cabs don't have GPS?" Hotch asks.

"Yeah. Taxis are tracked more than Gaga's Twitter." Penelope says.

"What does that mean?" Spencer asks.

"I'll explain it to him, Garcia." Rossi tells her.

"Yeah, teach him to worship the other Lady G, boss." Penelope says. "Ta and ta." She hangs up.

"So there were no taxis in the area." Emily says.


"Garcia, what we're looking for is a combination of purchases." Spencer says as he walks into the room.

"Ooh, combinations of lists are my life's works and forte, oh, tall and smart one." Penelope replies. "Go."

"Items used to set up a laboratory -- beakers, glass tubing, a vessel large enough to hold a woman. Enough methanol to submerge her." Spencer says.

"Yeah, added to?" She ask.

"Addresses where large amounts of methanol have been delivered alongside chloroform." Spencer says.

"I shall contact you forthwith." Penelope says.

"I will eagerly be awaiting your call." Spencer says before hanging up. Bedelia's lips quirk for a short moment, the woman finding his statement endearing.

"Dr. Reid, Agent Davis, where'd the guy go who gave the press conference?" A cop asks.

"He's with the reporters. Why?" Bedelia asks.

"Because we already got someone calling who says she talked to the guy." He says.


"Unless the victims all wore excessive amounts of perfume, it would take a hell of a nose to detect smell through a taxi window." Rossi says.

"Not necessarily." Spencer argues. "People with the olfactory disorder hyperosmia have an oversensitivity to smell. They typically pick up scents that other people can't. I don't think he'd be going after their perfume. It's already artificial."

"So they probably weren't wearing anything on their skin." Emily says.

"Something about their natural scent compels him?" Hotch asks.

"Smell's a powerful trigger for memory. He might be trying to bring back the memory of somebody he lost." Spencer says as his phone starts ringing. "Excuse me." He takes his phone out and answers it. "You have something?" He asks Penelope, walking to the other side of the room. After a moment he turns to the others. "We have an address."


They get to the house and get out.

"Morgan and Prentiss, take the back." Hotch orders. The two go around back, Bedelia and Spencer following.

"He's running!" Derek shouts.

"Reid, Davis, Prentiss, search the house!" Hotch tells them before the others get back in the SUVs and drive off.

They go through the house until they find the lab.

"FBI!" Emily calls out.

"Please, help me!" They hear a woman sob.

"Clear!" Spencer calls.

"Are you okay?" Emily asks, taking her jacket off to cover what she can of the woman up.

"Yes. Just get me out." She sobs.

"I got it." Spencer finds the remote and lifts up what the woman is laying on.

"It's all right. We're gonna get you outta here." Emily promises.

"Thank you. Thank you." The woman sobs.


Bedelia sits at her desk, finishing up her last case file. She listens as Spencer invites Emily to go see a movie with him, but it seems like she declines. The two soon hang up just as Bedelia finally finishes her work.

"Would you wanna go see Solaris?" Spencer asks her.

"What, so I'm sloppy seconds?" Bedelia asks.

"Wh-- n-no. That's not-- I wasn't--" Spencer stammers. "Uh... I just--" Bedelia smirks making Spencer huff. "The theater is showing the original one in Russian. So I know you wouldn't understand it and I'd be whisper translating it to you, which I don't mind at all, but I invited Emily since she'd understand it."

"So I'm just not cool enough?" Bedelia asks.

"I... I really don't know if you're joking or not." Spencer says, Bedelia noticing the panic in his eyes making her feel a little bad.

"I'm messing with you. I get your reasoning." Bedelia assures, Spencer visibly relaxing. 

"So... so would you wanna go?" He asks.

"How long is it?" Bedelia asks.

"Five hours." He says.

"Five-- um... yeah, I'm..." Bedelia starts to decline, but the hope in Spencer's eyes prevent her from doing so. "Sure."

"Really?" His eyes light up, not at all expecting her to agree.

"Yeah." She smiles and nods. "Let me just go to the bathroom and then we can go."

"Okay." Spencer rapidly nods, smiling.

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