Chapter 1; Meeting

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On the first night they met, Deuteronomy had a huge argument with her mother, the reason was Deuteronomy got tired of guards following her around wherever she went. On that night, she decided that she'd finally sneak out the gate. She successfully sneaked out a small hole in the side of the gate, and there she saw the lake, the beautiful blue lake, and just across it, was a boy. A black-haired boy wearing a brown jacket sitting down against a dead tree scribbling on a notebook. Deuteronomy was stunned, it was her first time seeing a dark-haired person, everyone in Alphacrest had light hair colors and Deuteronomy had light ginger hair. Out of Deuteronomy's impulsive thoughts, she found a small pebble and threw it at the boy to get his attention. The boy instantly looked up and saw her, Aeolus was flushed, he thought he saw an angel, right across the lake was a light ginger-haired girl wearing a white nightgown. Deuteronomy walked towards the lake and she suddenly put her gown up and walked across the lake, she was finally across the other side and the lower part of her dress was slightly wet, Aeolus took off his jacket and put it on the girl. "Thank you," Deuteronomy said with a slight bow. "You're...from Alphacrest?" Aeolus asked backing up. "And you're from Dawnridge?" Deuteronomy said stepping forward. "I mean no harm, I was just curious as to who you are, aren't you not supposed to get out of your gate?" Deuteronomy asked sternly as she glared. "I should be the one asking that, you're Deuteronomy Ingham, right?" Aeolus asked crossing his arms. "I am, why do you know my name? are you perhaps a stalker?" Deuteronomy stepped closer as she pressed her hand against Aeolus's hair, she was amazed, his hair was wavy and black, no one in Alphacrest had that type of hair, everyone in Alphacrest mostly had straight hair and it's uncommon to find someone with wavy or curly hair. "are you going to kill me?" Aeolus asked sternly, he had goosebumps as Deuteronomy touched his head, it reminded him of the way his mother subtly touched his head whenever he needed comfort. Deuteronomy chuckled softly as to what Aeolus said, "You may be my enemy but I won't kill you, I have no knowledge in killing." Aeolus just stared at her, he didn't understand why but he thought she was casting a spell on him because Aeolus couldn't stop staring at the girl. "I don't believe you," Aeolus muttered and Deuteronomy rolled her eyes. "Then don't, I'm just telling you what's true." Before Deuteronomy could finish, Aeolus heard some dead leaves crunching from inside the gates of Dawnridge, Aeolus pulled Deuteronomy and they ran. "Are you out of your mind!?" Deuteronomy yelled as they ran, Aeolus saw a hole in the ground and they both jumped inside, "Are you trying to kill me!? do you know what my mother and her subjects could do to you!?" Deuteronomy yelled and Aeolus covered her mouth. "Do you know what could happen if anyone else from Dawnridge saw you?" Aeolus whispered to Deuteronomy's ear, they heard the sounds of leaves crunching, and it got further and further until it disappeared. Aeolus finally lets Deuteronomy free as she catches her breath. "You should go, Deuteronomy. I'll take you back to the lake." Aeolus said sternly as he looked at Deuteronomy. She couldn't do anything else but nod, they carefully walked back to the lake as the moon shone on them. They arrived at the lake and just as Deuteronomy was about to cross it she asked, "When will I see you again?" Aeolus was stunned by her question. "You can't, it's dangerous here, you can't be with me," Aeolus answered as he sighed. "I don't care, this is my first time going out freely without my imbecile guards." She mumbles, Aeolus sighs as he replies, "If you do come back, bring my jacket and be safe, promise me that." Aeolus said waving her off. "promise, see you soon, what's your name again?" Deuteronomy asked softly with a smile. "Aeolus, Aeolus Belevonis." He gently replies with a smile. "Thank you, Aeolus. See you soon." Deuteronomy walks back to her gate and waves at Aeolus. The both of them can't stop thinking about each other and when they see each other again, Aeolus doesn't want to see Deuteronomy anymore because he can't bear to let Deuteronomy Ingham, the daughter of Daphne Ingham, the leader of Alphacrest, in danger. The two lands have been at war ever since Daphne's husband died, yet Deuteronomy wants to see Aeolus again and be friends with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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