I Can't Keep Walking On Eggshells To Keep You Happy

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Yet, beneath this facade lurked a darker truth, one that Frank relished in secret.

For him, the allure of the Bible lay not in its teachings of righteousness, but rather in its condemnation of sin.

Frank found a perverse pleasure in the forbidden. The more he delved into passages about lust, greed, and deceit, the more exhilarated he became by the prospect of indulging in such sinful behaviors.

There was a certain thrill in being considered sinful. It was as if the very act of defying the moral strictures of the Bible lent a tantalizing flavor to his transgressions. The hypocrisy of it all only added to his enjoyment, fueling his desire to explore.

Despite the adoration he received from the townsfolk, Frank was a man of many secrets. To them, he was the epitome of virtue, guiding them on the path of salvation. Little did they know, their respected pastor harbored a dark side, one that bore a striking resemblance to the very evil.

Behind closed doors, away from the watchful eyes of his congregation, Frank reveled in his true nature.


Gerard joined the breakfast table and Donald and Donna exchanged a knowing glance, sensing their son's unease, while Hayley remained eating silently. "Good morning, Gerard," Donna greeted. "Did you sleep well?"

Gerard offered a forced smile in response. "Morning, Mother. Yeah, I slept fine," he replied and Donald observed his son closely, noting the subtle signs of distress.

"Everything alright, son?" he inquired and Gerard hesitated for a moment. "Yeah, everything's fine, Father," Gerard replied with a forced nonchalance. "Just feeling a bit tired, that's all."

Donald and Donna parental instincts telling them that there was more to Gerard's demeanor than met the eye. But they chose to respect their son's privacy, allowing him the space to address his concerns in his own time.

Donald turned to Gerard, his gaze lingering on his son as he spoke. "Gerard, why don't you take Hayley out for a while? It'll be good for both of you to spend some quality time together."

Gerard hesitated for a moment, his mind racing as he searched for a suitable excuse to decline his father's suggestion. "Uh, sorry, Father, I can't," he replied. "I've got some meetings with the band later. We've got a lot to discuss." Donald's brow furrowed slightly as he regarded Gerard.

"Son, I understand the importance of your band, but your wife should be your top priority. She needs your attention and affection, especially during these early days of your marriage."

Gerard shifted uncomfortably in his seat, acutely aware of the weight of his father's words. "I know, Father," he replied. "But we've got some big decisions to make for the band, and I can't just ignore my responsibilities."

Donald sighed softly. "I'm not asking you to neglect your responsibilities, Gerard," he said. "But your marriage should come first. It's important to show Hayley that she's valued and loved." Gerard nodded, a pang of remorse tugging at his heartstrings.

"I know, Father. I'll try to make it up to her," he promised.

After breakfast, Gerard made his way to the kitchen and he found the chef bustling about, preparing for the day ahead. "Morning, Chef," Gerard greeted, offering a polite nod as he approached. "Could I trouble you to make me a couple of menus and pack them to go? And perhaps a dessert as well?"

The chef paused in his tasks, casting a curious glance at Gerard. "Of course, Mr. Way. Will it be for you and Mrs. Way?" Gerard hesitated for a moment.

"Actually, just one for me today," he replied. "And please, make it something special." The chef nodded understandingly. "Very well, sir. I'll make sure it's something you'll enjoy."

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