Chapter 3 - Caged

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???: "God's look at him, he's shivering! Have you even bothered getting him some warm blankets"

???: " I'm not going in there with that thing, it's not lifted!"

???: " That doesn't matter! He's already in rough condition as is. *sigh* Just fetch me some heated blankets." 

???: " Could be used for someone else that is useful" 

???: "Dammit I will stitch your hand to your dick in your sleep! GET. ME. BLANKETS." 

???: " Y-yes Ma'am" 

Too loud...Micah, please stop moving around too much

Alex: "Micah" 

Coming too, I try opening my eyes, only to be met with bright lights. Shutting them, I grunt from the sudden flashbang I received.  Slowly readjusting to the lights, I can finally make out my surroundings. 

There's a cat? In a lab coat? With a tail?

They seem to be looking at something on a table across the room from me. The room is blank white, with small blue lights lining the walls. Looking around, a sharp pain strikes like lightning, nausea hitting me in waves. 

The world spins again from the slight movement. Fuck. I feel like my head is gonna throw up itself. 

Looking around the room I see a small stall with a door on it, the door seems to open revealing what I assume is the toilet. At least there's that. Considering there's nothing else but a table, chair, and toilet. My attention is drawn to the wall in front of me, or where a wall is supposed to be. But there's nothing, just a line indicating where the room would end and the hallway would begin. It's strange, it's like there are only 3 walls in this room. I back at the house? No that's not right. We were at the mall. Which means...

A wave of realization hits me. Where's Micah!?

Looking back at the feline, she still looks busy as she is typing on some sort of keyboard. Their back is turned against me. They're distracted. 

Slowly getting up, dizziness pulses into my head, making the room feel like it's floating on water. Tilting left and right trying to keep itself afloat. 

I need to find him. I need to get out of here. 

Sitting up and pulling off the covers, no noise is made. I try to slide off the bed I was lying on, feeling the very cold air that still makes me shake. The floor is also cold as my skin makes contact with it. 

???: "This is what he calls 'detaining'!?"

I freeze seeing the feline slam its fist against the desk, a loud thud echoing in the room. I don't dare move, they seem angry enough as it is. Their tail is flicking around, fur standing up from anger. 

???: "Dammit Leo" 

I am almost halfway out of the room before they stop looking at their keyboard and turn around. 

???: "Well at least their seizures have stopped-"

And they see me. If eyes could double in size, the feline did an excellent job. Their golden eyes, filled with slits in the middle of them stare at me in shock. 

I don't have time to waste as I bolt for the exit, the big exit might I add. 

???: "NO WAIT-"

As I run past them at full speed, I'm met with a hard force. Another loud thud echoes the room, this time, louder. Falling back, my head feels like it's bleeding. At least that's what I feel like. Everything goes hazy again as I see blood floating in the air, right where my face collided...

The Lifted ones (Anthro 18+)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt