Dead Detective

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(Izayoi POV)

I woke up the next morning and went into the dining hall. My way there was uninterrupted and quiet, which was oddly unsettling.

I entered the cafeteria, where Sora, Shiro, Riku, Yuichi, and Asuna were.

"'Sup." I said as I went straight into the kitchen to get food.

"Hello." Asuna said cheerfully.

I immediately turned back to look back at everyone in the dining area. Not to look at Asuna, but the source of the hostility that was aimed right at me. 


"? Something wrong?" Yuichi asked

"...Nah, it's nothing."

Someone was definitely staring at me with murderous intent for a moment. I was a fighter, so I could sense that stuff a mile away.

I got some cereal for today and went back to sit down with Riku, Sora, and Shiro. Asuna was sitting with Yuichi.

"So, you guys find any leads?" I asked as I ate

"No, it seems that just as we thought, we are stuck. What I am trying to understand though, is what the memories we were supposed to unlock meant. I'm 100% sure that finding that out is what we need to do." Sora said 

Riku looked at me, and gave a slight smile, "It seems you're not so delusional anymore. Couldn't punch your way out of this?"

"...Shut it. I'm not so dumb to try to punch my way out when I can't."

"Good." Riku nodded, "Then, did you find anything out?"

"Hmm, well, I noticed a mishap with my memories." I said as I ate some more cereal, "I'm not gonna get super into it, but I was a big smoker and an alcoholic a while back, but I don't recall what really made me stop."

"Wait, when did you start drinking?! You're like, 18 now right?" Sora said

"Like I said, not going into the details. But I think that someone here was what made me stop."

"Any...Guesses?" Shiro asked

"Hmm..." If I were to stop, it would be because someone was strong. Strong enough that I had to stop drinking and stuff to keep my body in check in case I fight them, "Not really sure. No one here seems strong enough to make me stop or want to stop, so I have no guesses."

"What if you fell in love?" Riku asked

"Hahaha!" I laughed, "Sorry, but the only thing I love is fighting. If I were to have a lover, it would be for the sole purpose of having a kid I could raise to fight."

Just then, someone walked into the room, Yuzuriha. "Hey!!" She said excitedly

"Good morning," Everyone said in their own way.

Just like that, more and more people came to walk in. Nearly everyone was in, except one person. Siesta.

"Where'd she go? Normally she's one of the first people here," Leon said as he drank some water

"Maybe she went to where Sakura had gone," I replied, 

"Hmmm..." Shinra contemplated, "Well, in any case we should go look for her!"

He dashed out of the building at astounding speeds. Way faster than he had run anytime I've seen him run before.

'Could it be Shinra perhaps?'

I only thought it over for a moment. It was true he had the potential to be strong, but it wouldn't take one second for me to beat him. 

'Whatever, let's go find this detective.'

Danganronpa: Despair to Prodiges? V3 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now