Chapter 1

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Ellie's POV

Today is my first day of high school and I'm not even excited. My friends are probably going to talk about their boyfriends like they always do. The was this once time Cathy couldn't stop nagging about how Tim is the most amazing boy in the world.

"Honey, come downstairs or you'll be late for school!" my mom shouts

" Coming Mom!" I say in a high pitch tone.

I fix my school uniform and take one final look at myself before I head downstairs. I grab backpack and head down stairs.

" There's my little princessa. " dad states.

" Yes, dad. " I state while giving him a hug before l go. I hear the car starting up. Mom was already inside waiting for me. I get inside the car as l wave him goodbye.

The beautiful palm trees keep me distracted during the ride. If there's two things I loved about Spring valley was the lovely views and sky blue lakes. I hear kids laughter as the car pulls. This is it, my joy ride had finally
come to an end.

" Don't forget to eat your lunch." mom states.

" I know, l know mom. Love you bye!" I state in a paced voice.

I head over to class expect I didn't know where it was. I ask a kid where my class is and they direct me there. The school was not bad. It was more cooler and the people there seemed really nice.

" Hi everyone, we have a new student" my new teacher says to the class.

"My name is Ellie. Nice to meet you all." I say in nervous voice.

I spot an empty seat and then I sit down. As I look around I suddenly realise that Cathy was nowhere to be found. My first day of school and the only best friend I have doesn't even show up.

" Does anyone know what chlorophyll is?" says Miss Pine.

Suddenly, the class goes quiet. No one wanted to answer but and it seemed like an easy question. She starts look around the class and I hid my face with a notebook hoping she wouldn't pick me. The book mistakenly hits the floor and there's a bang. Her eyes meet mine and man were they scary.

"Yes, new girl over there!" she shouts with an awkward grin on her face.

I scratch my head and say "I think it's supposed to be a green pigment in plants, Miss."

" Very good Ellie." she says while giving me a thumbs up.

The bell rings and the whole class walks out.

After class...

It's time for lunch. The cafeteria was full of students lining up for food. Luckily, I had my homemade pizza specially made by my mom. The corner seemed nice and peaceful so I made myself comfortable. I open my container but as I was about to eat, I hear a rusky deep voice behind me.

"Hey, move it! That's my seat." says a tall handsome guy with coffee brown eyes. He had a brown curly hair and a couple of ear piercings. I almost could see his abs through his unbuttoned school shirt. His shoes shined like well, the stars.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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