As they twirled and whirled, the heaviness in Aeternitheos's heart began to lift. The faeries, with their timeless grace, brought a moment of reprieve from the harsh reality he faced. Amid the enchanted dance, surrounded by the ethereal glow of his fairy friends, the two-year-old prince found solace and a fleeting escape from the burdens of his imperial destiny.

Unbeknownst to the two-year-old prince, unseen eyes observed his every move. Concealed within the shadows, a silent presence lingered, its gaze fixated on Aeternitheos as he engaged in the enchanting dance with the faeries.

Aeternitheos, wrapped in the whimsical embrace of the faeries, twirled and danced with an ethereal grace. His little form moved with a surprising fluidity, every motion carrying an elegance that seemed to echo the timeless dance of the fae.

The radiance of his dimpled smile, though subtle, cast a warm glow that illuminated the moonlit night. It was a smile that transcended the exhaustion and weariness that had shadowed his young features. Amid the dance, Aeternitheos's joy became a beacon, radiating a purity that touched the very essence of those watching.

The faeries, with eyes that sparkled like the stars, gazed at him with fawn expressions as the prince danced with them, decorating his golden hair with shines of little treasures. Their wings fluttered in harmony with Aeternitheos's movements, weaving an invisible tapestry of magic around them.

The moon above bathed the scene in a soft silver glow, casting an otherworldly ambience over the imperial grounds. It was a moment frozen in time, where Aeternitheos's aura blended seamlessly with the enchantment of the fae. His every step, every gesture, was being scrutinized by jewel-blue eyes that remained shrouded in the veils of secrecy. The night held its secrets close, and as the prince danced in the moonlit glow, the watcher continued to observe, entranced.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

Aeternitheos jolted upright from his plush bed, a sudden intrusion shattering the tranquillity of the Obsidian Palace. The weight of his jewel-red gaze bore into the dimly lit room as an instinctual alarm rang through his small form.

Before he could even think of doing anything, the unexpected assailants, cloaked in shadows and dressed in black, crashed through the tall windows, shattering the delicate quietude. The shards of glass tinkled to the floor like crystalline rain, the ominous sound punctuating the abrupt intrusion.

Jewel-red eyes narrowed to slits of determination, observed the uninvited guests with a mixture of caution and resolve.

Their dark-clad figures silently crept around the space, their presence filling the air with tension and unease. The dim moonlight, now competing with the artificial gleam of a shattered lamp, painted an eerie tableau of uncertainty.

With a slow and cautious movement, he slipped out of the bed and stood up, his bare feet sinking into the soft carpet. His jewel-red eyes met theirs with an intense, otherworldly glow, sending shivers down the spines of the assassins. Despite their imposing presence, the young man's resolute and determined demeanour seemed to unnerve them, making them hesitate momentarily before making any further moves.

"Take one more step and off with your heads," would be Aeternitheos' warning if someone else hadn't already given the exact same threat.

Doors to Aeternitheos's room swung open with a resolute force, revealing Claude's imposing figure flanked by the unyielding presence of Felix. The atmosphere shifted as the emperor's penetrating gaze assessed the room, swiftly identifying the remnants of shattered glass and the intruders.

Felix swung a lifeless body of another man clad in black into the room, right towards the intruders. The ominous thud as it landed served as a chilling warning, a stark proclamation of the peril that sought to breach the sanctity of the Obsidian Palace.

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