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It was late at night, Kinney was in her room while Sidney was taking a nap downstairs waiting for Tatum to arrive to pick her up for a sleepover.

She was writing in her journal, mostly about what Randy said.

"I think Randy was right. I've been reading the research he gave me. I think I may have a split personality disorder. I've been feeling different these last few days, and the incident with Mariah and Ava was just probably the start,

I don't know what to do about this. I don't know who I can talk to extacly, maybe Randy?

Yeah. Maybe I'll talk with Randy. He did research everything about split personality disorder, and maybe he'll understand more than anyone..."

Kinney stopped writing as she heard the phone ringing from downstairs. She placed the pen down before she stood up and stretched her body as she walked out of her room.

She could hear Sidney's voice. She must've woken up with the phone ringing. It was Tatum telling her that she was on her way.

Kinney walked past the living room, hearing Sidney's conversation. Kinney walked into the kitchen and towards the fridge, hearing the phone ringing again and Sidney answering it again.

Kinney let out a small yawn as she took out a juice box. She drank from it as she walked over to Sidney, watching her go outside.

Kinney raised an eyebrow on her behavior before she stood up straighter as she noticed Sidney's expression change.

"Fuck you, cretin!" Sidney walked back inside the house, slamming the front door shut and locking it.

"Everything alright, sid?" Kinney questioned, and Sidney was slightly startled , "Jesus, kin." Sidney breathed out , turning to face her before her eyes widened.

"Kinney, behind you!" Kinney turned around and saw a mask figure, familiar black robe.

Kinney wasn't scared, but Sidney was. She grabbed Kinney's arm and pulled her back, making Kinney almost choke with her juice.

The killer was attacking Sidney, and Kinney couldn't stand by and do nothing.

Kinney rushed over, kicking the killer in the side, throwing them off of Sidney. Sidney stood up and grabbed Kinney's arm before the two of them ran upstairs.

The killer quickly followed them, and Sidney threw stuff at him, never missing her target.

The twins went into Sidney's room, and Sidney closed the door and opened the closet door. The killer opened the door, but it got stuck with the closet door, making it difficult for him to get inside, but the killer swung the knife around.

Sidney went over to the computer to get help while Kinney finally realized that she had dropped her juice.

The killer disappeared, leaving the twins in silence until Sidney let out a small scream as someone crawled through the window.

It was Billy. "Billy, oh, thank God." Sidney breathed out, going over and hugging him. Billy hugged her back, but his eyes were on Kinney.

"What happened?" Billy questioned, and Sidney pulled back. "The killer..he was here..he attacked us." She said, and Billy moved slightly, but a thud was heard.

Sidney looked down and saw a cellular phone. Her eyes slightly widened as she took a step back.

"Sid?" Billy called out her name, confused as to why she was looking at him that way.

"Hey, Billy, you dropped your phon- whoa!" Kinney was once again being dragged by Sidney.

"Sidney! Wait! Kin!" Billy called out after them. "Fuck." He cursed under his breath.

Sidney let out a scream as she opened the front door, coming face to face with a mask.

Dewey let out a scream of fright as well, but both calmed down.

- -

Billy was arrested because Sidney thinks he's the killer, which obviously, of course, he is, but nobody needed to know that.

As Sidney was being comforted by Tatum. Kinney was in the hallway, standing in front of a vending machine.

She only had two dollars with her, but she managed to get a bag of chips along with Billy's favorite chocolate.

As she went back to Sidney, she paused as she noticed that she was gone and so was Dewey and Tatum.

She blinked. Did they really just leave her behind? She sighed before deciding to sneak into the holding cells.

Billy was in the cell, lying on the bed when he heard something tapping against the metal bars.

He removed the arm from over his eyes and lifted his head before sitting up and standing up when he noticed Kinney.

He walked over, and she passed him the chocolate bar, and he took it. "Thanks." he quietly said

"I'm sorry about this, Billy." Kinney whispered, and Billy shrugged, " it wasn't you who put me in here."

Kinney sat down on the ground, and Billy raised an eyebrow at her, but he sat down on the ground as well, opening the chocolate bar, offering some to Kinney, who gladly took some.

"So, what are you doing here? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let you back here." Billy questioned, and Kinney sighed.

"I was left behind and decided to sneak a candy bar to you." Billy chuckled before frowning.

"I'm sorry that you got left behind." He said, and Kinney leaned her head against the bars, looking at Billy.

She knew he was a killer, a murderer who just tried to kill her sister, but she was pretty sure that was stu but couldn't really confirm it, but in her mind,

He was still Billy. Her best friend, a murderer or not, he will always be her best friend.

The two sat in comfortable silence, and it took minutes before Kinney fell asleep, and Billy noticed it.

He leaned his head against the bars, watching her before he reached his hand out and took hers in his before he slowly closed his eyes.

- -

Stu sat down on his bed, pulling out the journal. He may or may not have stolen from Kinney's room.

He opened it and started to read it, his expressions changing as he turned the pages.

"Holy shit."


Word count - 1015

Hope you enjoy!

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