Part 9

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Ryan paused. His lips didn't move and he didn't either. I instantly regretted my decision. Maybe I shouldn't have kissed him.

I paused and parted my lips. I was about to pull away, when Ryan jolted me forward with the arm he had on my waist and locked our lips again.

The kiss was gentle, and his lips were soft. I didn't know if it was butterflies or a whole bee hive in my stomach, but something was happening and damn was it exciting.

I matched Ryan's kisses and he pulled me closer, if that was even possible.

He wrapped both his arms around me and on instinct, I jumped and wrapped my legs around him. He scooped my legs, placing his hands under my thighs, and walked over to the kitchen counter, placing me down but not removing his lips from mine for one second.

It almost felt like a slight heart attack, my chest was on fire and I felt like I could do anything and not give a shit about the consequences. Unfortunately, that's not how the world worked...

As if on cue, my phone start making an obnoxious noise. It was ringing. My phone was ringing, in the middle of.... whatever this was.

Ryan paused and I pulled away, reaching for my phone in the pocket of the shorts I was wearing. "H-hello," I stumbled.

"Wow sweetheart, one night with the sexy bad boy and you can barely get your words out?" Cameron's voice chimed through my phone. The phone which was so loud that even when not on speaker, anyone close or curious enough could hear the conversation being had. Of which, Ryan was both.

Ryan cocked his head, placing his hands against the counter on both sides of me and smirked.

"Uh-no..." I jumped off the counter and Ryan moved aside so I could hurry out of the kitchen and catch my breath for a second. "Cameron!" I whisper yelled.

"Oh my god...what happened...." He sang.

"You have terrible timing. What do you want?" I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Wow...okay first of all, I need all the dirty details when you come into work today and second of all, are you coming into work today?"

The reality sunk in. "Oh my god, Cameron....I'm so sorry, yes I am, I-I-"

"It's okay darling, you gather yourself, emotionally, physically and um..." he cleared his throat, "sexually...and when you're here we'll chat." I could hear his smirk through the phone.

"Okay, yeah, see you in a bit." I hung up the phone and put my hands on my head. What. Was. I. Thinking. I had responsibilities, I had a job and for some reason for those five minutes, give or take, nothing else mattered.

"So, no breakfast?" I spun around and Ryan stood there leaning against the wall, with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I-um-I....I have to go..." I stuttered. He nodded, but didn't say anything. I waited for a second, but when he didn't move, I slowly turned towards the staircase and took a few steps so I could go upstairs and gather my things...and myself.

Ryan turned around and walked back into the kitchen, but just before he disappeared, his voice filled my ears again. "Be careful princess, I might just f**k around and make you mine."


"You did WHAT!" Cameron screamed so loud the interns sitting outside my office turned around and looked concerned.

I smiled at them apologetically and quickly got up from my seat to shut the doors. Was my office sound proof? I guess we were about to find out.

"Asking me ten times is not going to change my story..." I sniped.

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