"Hahaha! Sorry sorry. It's just that I didn't expect that. It was cute." I blushed again, still covering my face with my hands, looking through my fingers. I saw how he realized what he had said too.

"NO- wait- I mean, it was cute but- not in that way?- I mean- yeah, no, I can 't get out of this one." Boom gave up, looking all flustrated and placing his hand on top of his mouth like trying to shut himself up.

We looked at each other again and started laughing at how awkward the conversation had become. I finally took my hands off my face and we kept giggling until I tried to keep the conversation open.

"So, why did you come here? Aren't you going to celebrate with my brother and your band?" I asked moving my hair out of the way to see him properly.

"Well, I was curious because I saw you looking at me back in the show." He teased crossing his arms with a smirk on his face.

"Oh god, no." I said laughing and covering my face again with one of my hands. "It was- It was the voice thing." I admitted blushing of embarrassment while he laughed a little.

"But hey, that actually felt nice. I don't think I have heard anyone apart from my family saying that they love my voice." Boom cheered me up, even if he was still laughing. "And, you know... coming from someone I'm a fan of, makes it feel twice as good." He said, avoiding eye contact.

I took my hand off my face and looked back at him confused.

"Wait, someone you are a fan of?" He wasn't looking back at me but he had a big smile on his face.

"Yeah, that's another reason why I came to talk to you." He finally looked at me and smiled. "Turns out I went to one of your concerts a couple years ago. After that I kept listening to some of your songs, they are actually pretty good."

I didn't see that coming and I just looked at him surprised and flustrated, again. He listens to my music!

"Wow, I don't know what to say, thank you." I smiled, feeling nervous. "I would've never thought that you would listen to my music." I said smiling and still a little confused. "You know, my songs... Have you heard the lyrics too?"

"Yep, why?" He asked, bragging with a smile.

We stayed in silence for a few seconds, like if we were examining each other. I was squinting my eyes as if I wanted to see more of him. You see, you could say the lyrics of my songs are quite "different" from the rest of the pop songs. They are more romantic. To be more specific, they are homoromantic. So, Boom listening to my music could reveal some things about him.

Suddenly, the boys of kismet called Boom to make their way home.

"Boom, Come on, we are leaving!" Trickee said, waving. We hadn't noticed but everyone was preparing to leave already.

"Ok guys, give me a second!" Replied Boom to his group. He turned back at me and began to look a little anxious. "Soo, it was nice to meet you, Floyd. Uh, we could um... you know, hang out somewhere... If you want." He said fidgeting with his fingers. He was really cute and I was beginning to think about asking him out too, so I agreed.

"Sure. It's a date then?" I said teasing, but actually meaning it.

"Ye- WAIT WHAT?- I mean- Yes, YES! A date!" He answered with a cute nervous grin. I also giggled and nodded.

"Ok, so tomorrow at Pop Village's cafe? 5 pm?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah, ok." He said radiant. It was literally so adorable how happy he looked.

"Boom, let's go!" Now Hype was calling.

"Ok, bye Floyd!" He waved and began to walk quickly towards his group.

"Bye! See ya tomorrow, Boom!" I waved too. I saw Boom and the rest of Kismet leave the place. Brandy and Bruce were cleaning next to Clay and John and Poppy and her family had already left too. Then, Branch approached me with a smile.

"Hey, I saw you laughing with Boom. What were you talking about?" He asked curiously. I smiled back at my little brother.

"Oh, you know. Stuff." He didn't know, but I had a date with one of the boys of his band tomorrow.


Hi guys! Its me Rebel 👀
Hope you liked this fanfic! I will try my best to keep it going but don't expect too much from me 🥲
If you want you want you can support this fanfic on AO3 too, where I originally began writing.

Well, that's all, Thank youu ♡!



@rebel__writer on Instagram and Tik tok

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