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Devale slowly walked into the bedroom he shared with Crystal, trying his best not to make too much noise that would wake her up.

"Fuck." He said to himself as he walked into his closet and began taking off his jewelry and his clothes.

He had sobered up a little, but it was too late. He had already made a huge mistake that he wish he could take back.

He sighed and leaned against the door trying to figure out how he was going to tell her. He had to tell her, or else he wouldn't be able to live with himself knowing he cheated on his wife and was keeping it a secret.

Walking back into their bedroom, he noticed the digital clock that read 4:45am. He sat on the edge of the bed Crystal rested on and watched as she slept.

He smiled a little seeing her sleeping like a baby. Devale brushed a few pieces of her hair out of her face, earning a little movement from her. He hated he was about to tell her this, but he had to. He wouldn't be able to sleep knowing he had fucked her over and betrayed their vows to one another.

"Renee." he called out, hoping she heard him. She frowned in her sleep, never waking up until he called her name again.

Her eyes opened and she stared at him with a frown on her face. It eventually went away when she realized it was only him. She sighed and sat up a little to look at the clock.

"Are you just getting in?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

He fidgeted with his hands, avoiding eye contact with her. "Baby, I messed up badly. It wouldn't be right if I kept this from you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't tell you."

She laid her head back on the pillow, "messed up how?" She asked nervously while rubbing her head . She had no clue what would come out of his mouth next, but she had a few ideas in the back of her mind.

"It just happened. I was so drunk. But the boys were in my head telling me to lighten up so I did. I don't think I've ever been this drunk before. I was getting dizzy and I was hallucinating. I seen this girl eyeing me down before but I paid her no mind. I was chilling by myself until she came over to where I was. She was on me hard and I fucked up because I didn't do anything about it but it felt like I had no power over myself. She got in the car with me and started giving me head. I didn't realize how badly I fucked up until after it happened."

She didn't say anything, but her eyes stayed glued to him. He had no idea what she was thinking, but he continued anyway just to prove to her he was indeed sorry.

"You have every reason to be upset baby. I feel so dumb for getting that drunk and I just want to apologize. I wouldn't feel man enough if I didn't just come out and tell you. I never wanted to jeopardize our marriage or even make you look like a fool. Baby, what I did wasn't intentional . I didn't even feel like myself in the moment. In all honesty it felt liked I was on drugs but that's not a reason to hurt you like I did and I'm sorry baby. " He said as his voice cracked. Fifth-teen years of marriage and Devale never did nor thought about stepping out of his marriage .

Still, she kept quiet. Because they were in the dark, Devale couldn't see the tears streaming down her face and she didn't want him to. She didn't want him to see her break. She didn't want him to have that kind of power.

She turned over, ignoring the fact that he was staring at her. It was almost 5am and she was being waken up to the worst news a woman could ask for.

She trusted him, and he went against everything he said he would never do. Alcohol or not, she could always control herself under the influence. How come he couldn't? How come he didn't just come home when he felt like something wasn't right? How could your boys even let you do such a thing when they knew you had a wife at home? So many questions were running through her head at this point.

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