Year One: The Hogwarts Express

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"Ah, yes!" Ollivander exclaimed, as if he'd known all along this was the right wand, "Willow wood with a phoenix core, twelve and three-quarters length." 

Violet of course had no clue what any of it meant, but she was overwhelmed by the day's events and proof of magic, so she just smiled and nodded.

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1st September, 1991, morning

"Platform Nine and Three-Quarters? Surely that's a mistake!" Violet's father muttered as the family walked through the train station. They stopped between the pillars of platforms Nine and Ten.

"Maybe it's more magic, dear?" Her mother asked, "Surely there's some explanation."

Violet was about to suggest they ask someone, when the strangest thing happened. Someone walked out of the pillar. The very large, very brick pillar of platform Nine.

"Look! Did you see that?!" She exclaimed, pointing at the wall. The person, no, people, who had walked out were talking quietly. It appeared to be a mother, father, and little girl. All with very bright orange hair.

"Oh! Well, I guess... We just, walk through the wall?" Violet's father was dumbfounded. Magic was so entirely new to him that he wasn't sure what to believe anymore.

Violet took off at a sprint, her heart pounding as she neared the wall.

'What if it doesn't work?' The thought was fleeting before she met the wall, the world going black for a moment before she entered the platform. Her parents were right behind her, pushing along the cart with all her belongings that she'd forgotten behind in her haste, but she paid them no mind.

There were more people in robes and formal attire, hugging and waving at the kids climbing aboard the train. It was an old steam engine train, in faded shades of red and black.

Her mother set a gentle hand on her shoulder, "I think this is where we leave you, Violet."

"What?" She turned towards her parents, "Oh, right..." She blinked back tears, the realization that this was all very real. That she'd be going to a new school, far away from home, where she didn't know anyone. 

"Well only be a phone call away, okay?" Her mother hugged her tight, then her father, "Try to have fun, alright? Make some friends, learn some magic!"

Violet nodded, staring at her parents. She almost started crying fully when she realized her parents eyes were full of tears. Her mothers blue, her fathers brown, both shining with unshed tears. So she blocked away her own tears, her green eyes shining as she put on a brave face.

Before she could respond, the train whistle sounded. She grabbed her luggage and rushed towards the train, stopping a moment on the stairs to smile back at her parents, before disappearing on board.


The train was full. All of the compartments were full of kids and teens. Some wore normal 'muggle' clothing, while others wore what she assumed to be Hogwarts uniforms.

She walked slowly towards the back of the train, squeezing between people to find an empty seat. The only compartment not full was in the back, with only two people in it.

She knocked on the closed door before entering, "Hi. Can I sit with you guys? Everywhere else is full."

The two boys stared at her before nodding. She smiled shyly, turning to put her luggage away before sitting across from them.

They sat quietly a moment, staring awkwardly. Violet tucked her hair behind her ear, the brunette strands falling out of the ponytail.

"I'm Violet. What're your names?"

"I'm Ron, this is Harry." The boy on the left spoke. Violet took in his appearance- bright orange hair, round face, wide eyes, a silly smile, and semi-formal clothes. She wondered briefly if the family she saw exiting the platform was his family. 

The other boy, who must be Harry, looked a little starstruck. With unruly black hair, wide green eyes, round framed glasses, and muggle clothes, he looked out of place. Which, Violet supposed, she did too.

A knock at the door pulled their attention to the older woman, "Anything from the trolley dears?"

Violet pulled out the few coins she had left from Diagon Alley and sadly shook her head.

Ron replied glumly, holding up a bag of food, "No thanks, I'm all set." 

Harry looked between the two, then pulled out a large handful of coins. "We'll take the lot!"

A few minutes later, the three had spread out the selection of candy and snacks Harry bought. Ron explained the different selections, from Chocolate Frogs, to Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. 

They sat talking and eating candy, having quickly become good friends. 

"This is Scabbers, by the way." Ron explained as a giant rat crawled onto his lap and into an empty box, "Pathetic, isn't he?"

"Just a little..." Harry agreed.

"Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Want to see?"

"Yeah!" Harry and Violet exclaimed.

As Ron pulled out his wand, a girl appeared in the doorway. She looked around the compartment, eyeing the three kids. She had to be their age, with her bushy brown hair, brown eyes, and proper Hogwarts uniform.

Her eyes continued to dart around as she asked, "Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost one."

Ron was the only one to respond before she turned her nose up at the trio, staring at Ron, "Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then!"

Ron cleared his throat loudly, "Sunshine, daisies, butter-mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow!"

A yellow light emitted from the end of his wand before the empty box the rat was in flew towards the floor. The rat remained unchanged. Ron shrugged, Harry and Violet returned the gesture.

"Are you sure that's a real spell?" The girl asked haughtily, "Well, it's not very good, is it?"

The trio shared a 'can you believe this girl?' look as she continued, "Of course, I've only tried a few simple spells myself, but they've all worked for me!" She marched into the compartment, sitting to Violet's right, across from Harry.

The girl pulled out her wand and pointed it at Harry's face, "For example, Oculus Reparo. That's better, isn't it?"

Harry flinched back as the tape on the bridge of his glasses flew off and disappeared in a puff of smoke. They all examined his glasses, which had previously been broken but were now fixed.

"Holy cricket!" The girl gasped, "You're Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger. And... You are?"

"Ron Weasley."

Hermione made a face at Ron, who had spoken with a mouth full of candy, "Pleasure."

"Violet Ellis."

"You'd three better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon." Hermione got up and walked out, turning back at the last second, staring at Ron, "You've got dirt on your nose, by the way. Did you know?"

Ron reached up and wiped at the side of his nose. 

"Well, alright then." Violet sighed, exhausted from the interaction, despite having barely said three words. She got up and pulled her uniform from her trunk, including a black skirt, white dress shirt, grey sweater vest, black tie, and black robe. They were quite plain compared to some of the uniforms the older kids were wearing, which had colored patches and ties.

"I'll go change in the toilet. Please be dressed when I come back." She laughed softly as she left, closing the door behind her.

Then I Met You [D.M.]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora