CHAPTER 4 - Anabelle that isn't Anabelle

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Title: Anabelle that isn't anabelle

"How long i touch you correlates to the size of your unluck!Next up! Surface Area!"

while Undead was Speaking the two girls just stared at each other like,we are dead look like to both of them,and he continued

"Take off your Clothes!Gonna Try clinging to as an area of your body as i...can"

(Okay let me put the Ability to know who they are as dayum my hands hurt)

Undead cut his words off after knowing that Unluck ran inside the building and his face expression changed into a wide smirk or grin idk! and he started chasing her like crazy. Anabelle just sat on the big rock facepalmed herself asking why he also brought her here The chasing didn't stop there in any minutes,and both of them are yelling inside the building hearing what their saying

"Where do you think your going?!" - Undead

"Im not going to strip infront of you so please! Just give up already!" - Unluck

"This is all because you're hidin' the rule in the first place!" - Undead

"How is that my fault?I just didn't want to tell you!" - Unluck

after a while of chasing each other Anabelle didn't know what to say because those two are having fun getting each others a*s because of their abilities

'gladly i don't have one..yet..' she thought and sigh deeply.

"Its no big deal,just do it now!" -Undead

"It's a big Deal to my heart!Eh?Huh?!" -Unluck

after that anabelle didn't hear the two before Unluck yelled like that,she stared at the inside and asked herself

'done already?' She walk inside the building and saw the two there standing while undead held her jacket and also saw that unluck have a long hair and was about to cry and Undead just spill his word making anabelle in shock

"Helluva Mane"


as then both of them saw her cry like a baby and yelled

"Wah!they saw it! I can't stop it!No one will be able to cut it for me!any hairstylist would just end up dead!"

after a moment Undead took something out of nowhere and anabelle just stared there without any words coming on her mouth..and saw how he cut unluck's hair,unluck was Shock asking what he was doing

"Don't move. as long as I'm touching you, unluck'll come my way...I'll wrap this up in the meantime.." he said while focusing on her hairstyle..

"But once you let go,all the unluck will hit at once and.."after that she was cut by undead words and stop worrieng him because his undead..

anabelle just stood there looking hoe the two start to be close like couple,but she felt like she was like an extra there so she decided to walk off but she was stopped when undead spoken

"Where ya goin' kid.."

she didn't answer for a moment and just smiled saying

"I'm just gonna have some Fresh air thank you..I'll wait there when you guys are finished!" after going out she finally sigh in relief but why did she just do that,in her thought she was asking why she just avoided the two,is it because their still strangers to her?

after a moment she shook her head and said

"Nah! maybe just because im just afraid to be there,Or not..*Sighed* what should i do.." but then someone appeared infront of her and held her hands tight

(On hold) UNDEAD UNLUCK: The Choice Is YoursKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat