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December 28 2023 12:37pm
Ishikawa, Japan

One day there was a Girl laying on the hospital bed while she was examined,a Blood Monitor System continue Beeping while she was fighting to breath calmly,her Hands was full of Wires(don't know what that called) and heart monitor,dextrose was also attached to her arm for giving her Nutrients because she hasn't eaten since she was in the hospital, The doctor looked at the result and sighed in disappointment and spoke

"I apologise Ms. Sorano, I don't think that you'll be able to Recover as i expect it,Your Luekemia also Got worsened,i wanted to help you for what you have done for those years but im not sure how i repay you because of your Illness..I'm sorry"

(Her name is Anabelle Sorano,She was Only 18 years old and no longer has a Father and Mother,they died when their about to Surprise her 10th giving her a birthday cake and Balloons, but a Truck hit Them both and died Before Getting into the hospital bpth of them were dead on arrival, so her grandparents took care of her tho she knew that their only taking care of her because of her parents will and money also hers since she was The only Child of the Sorano Family,tho she have no choice but to make a plan for them to not knowing anything so she just pretend that she loved them,but she hated them because they are only loving her for money until this year Her Luekemia Struck her body and fainted until that day she was on the hospital and a nice Doctor Helped her recover for almost years she is not an adult yet she no longer have a strength to speak loudly or move so she made a plan before she die..)

A Weak Anabelle look at the Ceiling and moved her Hand to the Doctor he stared at her as he sat next to her holding her hand,as she closed her eyes and smiled

"Doctor Yamaoka..Thank you for everything,I know that i will not last long to this world but i was happy that i still lived up to my adulthood,but sadly i can no longer do what i wanted to do,but can you do me a favor before i die?" Dr. Yamaoka Didn't say a word but nodded in answer of yes,she opened her eyes slowly and raised her hand to the cabinet next to them

" Please Hold those Papers,that one is important and i want you to read it.." he was confused at first but he understood her as he held the papers and start reading it,his eyes widened for seeing the papers was all about her will and ownership his name was written under it and she signed up for agreement for giving all her things to this man

"Ms. Sorano This is too much!I can't accept this!you have given me enough price and Help for you for saving my Girl but this..,This is.." his words were cut when she spoke once more

"Doctor Yamaoka,i chose you because you are too kind for me,also Since i have no family left i have given everthing to you maybe someday you'll repay more Help with others just like what i did and what you did..Also you already Repay me for Extending my life thats all i want after all im now 18 and now i can do whatever i want to do.." her words didn't reach by the doctors ears and started Refusing it but then he was interrupted by her

"Doctor listen.." he didn't spoke a few moments and starts listening her words finally reached him and realized the situation

"So,Your telling me that i am the only fit for this inheritance? but why? your Grandparents they-"

"They only use me as their 'Piggy Bank' That is why i'm willing to sacrifice my will to you and your Child,That is also why i want you two to be one who can get all mine that will became pls accept this all live a better life and become what you dream of..just promise me that Hana Will grow up like a Big girl,she is like a little sister to me tho..So thank you Dr. Yamaoka.." he no long have any words out,His eyes were in tears and sat on the ground crying silently,While Anabelle sat on the Hospital Bed and Hug the old man

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