Chapter 3

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The babybones gains a name and a person that Gaster thought long gone, drops in for a 'visit'



Gaster was a bit uncomfortable with his position, but his still unnamed adopted child seemed to do better outside than inside. At the moment they were sitting under a large tree, long grass around them.

"That's a Swan, a type of bird," Gaster told them when they pointed curiously, the graceful bird took to the sky.

"Swn.." they said.

"Swan.. you almost got it" Gaster told them.

"Swa... swa..." there was a frustrated sound.

"Give it time flower, skull damage makes relearning things hard" Gaster apologised.

Suddenly the babybones tugged at their arm, Gaster peered at them curious "What is it?"

Tiny hands tapped Gaster's chest, then their own chest. It took him a moment to realise what they were asking, their name.

"Well you already know I'm Gaster little Flower, but we don't know yours yet. I'm hoping you remember it," he hummed, the little one gave quite a fierce look towards Gaster and tapped their own chest again.

"Alright alright, stop the glaring flower. How about Flower?" he asked, he got quite a dark look at that.

"Your right, that's more my nickname for you" here he giggled and nuzzled them, careful of their healing cracks.

Gaster went through a list of other names, all more ridiculous than the last, just to see the babybones' amusing reactions.

When he jokingly suggested 'tree' their scowl was truly fearsome, his child clearly having opinions on his naming choice. He placated them with another hat from his Inventory unsure where he even got this one from , cooing at the top hat they tried to put over their current one.

"You can't wear both at once, flower." He said, grinning at their stubborn look as they tried to do just that.

"What about Apple," he suggested playfully, then frowned when the child seemed to have a whole body flinch "Okay.. not Apple"

The child frowned, then pointed at the false flowers on his hat.

"Echo flowers little one, I found you in a field of them... your eyelights are even the same shade" Gaster told him, their look became very thoughtful.

"co.." they said.

"You.. want to be called Echo?" he said surprised, then smiled and kissed their forehead.

"Well then... your Echo"

The newly named Echo seemed very pleased with their new name, their attention soon drawn back to the flowers on their hat.

Gaster settled back against the tree, occasionally grabbing more flowers by summoning them with his magic, as his child seemed to absolutely adore them.

He hummed thoughtfully as he let Echo play with the flowers he gathered, thinking of a few AU's they could settle in when the babybones was healthier.

He had never thought about permanently settling down before but realistically he knew a more stable lifestyle would be beneficial for Echo, at least until they fully healed and felt more settled.

He would take things one step at a time, smiling as Echo let out a happy murmur as they played with the Echo flower.

"Squirrel!" Echo said, pointing at a dog.

Flower of EchoesWhere stories live. Discover now