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The First Call

"Hello Bunny!"
Emmy finds you at the door just as you were about to enter the studio.

"Hi Emmy!"

You greet her back and the both of you push the door and enter in the building of the dance studio you work in, KWANG. You run to the changing room to leave your things and quickly nod a hi at the secretary (she is the third one this month and you don't really remember her name, since your boss, Himena, keeps kicking them out. She's not easy to deal with) As you enter the class you can't help but notice that it's a little more crowded than usual. Your popularity as a choreographer is growing. You say hello to everyone and inform them about the song you choreographed for them today Cake by itzy

You see some mixed reactions as some seem to love the idea and others may be just okay with it. You immediately shut down any disappointed groans by clapping your hands, simply implying "silence". You love to have people do exactly as you say. It seems like you have a natural charm on them. You press "play" and start showcasing the choreography. After the class is over you have a 2-hour break until the next one, which is a Collab with another choreographer from your studio, Nalani. You decide to go sit in the lobby and wait for her to arrive, since you don't have anything better to do.

Nalani doesn't take long to arrive, since she is always early. By the time she comes in, Himena, your boss and the owner of KWANG walks towards you from her office. Her excitement and good mood, is so obvious, which is very rare for her usual strict and cold self. "You'll never guess what happened!" She says excitedly, to which Nalani responds "you won at least the lottery considering I haven't seen you smile since Christmas." Himena rolls her eyes at her, ignoring the comment. It seems like Nalani is her absolute favorite, you've never heard Himena go hard on her. "I got a call from Jo Wook Hyung!" she continues with the same enthusiasm. "They want us to form a group to attend the second Kingdom: Legendary War!" Hearing these words Nalani starts jumping up and down, like a little child whose parents just announced they're taking her to Disneyland. You still stare in disbelief. It's the biggest dance reality in Korea, that's insane. A question pops up in your mind " Is Himena going to take me with her team?" You feel your heart skip a beat. You've been a fan of the show since last season, you'd be devastated if she didn't end up selecting you. Himena must have understood what you were thinking since her next phrase was: "Girls, you're my two best dancers and choreographers. I can already announce to you that the both of you are going to be coming with me. I've also already picked Nia, our strongest battler, along with Emmy and Karissa. They truly have a great chemistry both on and off stage. Himena winks after that last phrase, as both you and Nalani smile. They are the best couple you've ever seen for real. Three years ago, you would do ANYTHING for a relationship like that.

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