Extra: Never Poke The Devil

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“Hey, Senpai…”

Today is a weekend, yes it is. I hope it stays that way for the rest of my life. Kidding aside, it's currently 5:00 PM and reading a book as always, with an exception — a freeloader whose will come each day in the calendar and tease the living out of me is now a timid, respectful and well-mannered girl —  which called out to me after being in a dormant state in the last 5 hours.

“Mmm?” I hummed as I flicked through the pages.

“What are we now?”

“What do you mean by what are we now?” I laid down my book at the bedside table and turned to her, “I could think of several answers. Like, we are both exceptionally capable humans, you're my junior and I'm your senior-”

An angry chibi devil suddenly jumped on my lap, forcing my fabricated nonsense to be interrupted out of my will.

“Yeah, yeah, I know that very well, S-E-N-P-A-I,” Her index finger booped my nose phonetically, “But I'm not talking about that, it's that. I know you exactly get it.”

The finger then moved to my lower lip, and her gaze became somewhat more serious than before, “About us. Me and you. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Amasawa Ichika — what exactly are we?”

A quiet frail voice came out.

“I've… always loved senpai. Every time I see you with other girls and they make moves on you, it hurts — my heart can't take it.”

That's true. After the festival, a flock of girls would come and take me away every single day — girls like Horikita and Kushida would always pull both my arms whenever they had the chance and wouldn't let go unless I intervened, even Haruka, Airi, and Kei too sometimes. I don't like it at all, those eyes of jealous boys were drilling my back like Kasane Teto's hair.

“Heart doesn't have anything to do with emotions, right? Its function is to pump blood-”

A single finger turned into a whole palm, covering my mouth. “Shut. Let me have my moment, please. Or I'll castrate you like the most domesticated male cats.”

Yeah, I'd better be. Can't ball without those precious balls.

“You know how much I love you, right? That's why I was very happy when it happened that day…” She hugged and caressed herself while blushing profusely.

Hearing that makes my timbers shiver. Yes, it's true, something happened to us that day, I'm not even going to deny it happened several times after that. I remember the awkward meeting with the Chairman as I carried the limping euphoric girl back to her room the next morning. That was truly a moment.

“Yes, we're together. But is that it? Are we staying like this? Like nothing ever happened? Do you really love me? Do you really? Take for granted the expressionless nature of yours, but… but-”

I kissed her in the lips, pulling her body closer to me.

As we withdrawed from each other, I glanced at her lips, perfectly red lips — those lips that called my name over and over that night, those lips that teased me, those lips that captivated my suppressed desires, and those lips that confessed to me.

At that moment, I already knew.

“Will you take that as an answer, Ichika?”

A dazzling smile formed her lips, replacing the frowned one earlier. Her arms slid to my back, and she brought her face to my chest.

So, she just wanted affection, huh? I thought.

Now that I think about it, it makes sense now. I think I know why she acted like this.

When she first came to my room, I only greeted her with a hello instead of the smooch smooch deluxe (that's what she said) I would give every single time we meet. And when she would get clingy, I would either shift my position or go to the couch to sit and read my book in peace. Then the lunch time came, I successfully dismantled the thumbtacks that was super glued to my seat, which made her very angry that she didn't talked to me until now.

I looked at the figure hugging me once again, I get it, but at the same time, I dont.

A short upbeat muffled replied.

“Who knows.”

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