Minchan(Minjae & Yechan)- Mistake

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Yechan has made a lot of mistakes in his life. Everyone has. But this had to be his biggest mistake yet.

It was late at night around 11:00 and all members were hard at work in their usual practice room. They had to memorize the newest choreography before the following morning, yet hadn't had time to do so the whole day due to a number of interviews and events they had to attend.

Soon the fatigue of being dragged around from one venue to another started to weigh down on them, Yechan particularly. He couldn't focus no matter how hard he tried. He knew they were all tired, but he could at least try. Yet his body and mind weren't as coordinated as usual.

He kept tripping over his own feet, missing beats and nearly tumbled into Junghoon during the bridge of the song they were currently practicing to.

Now, the reason for all this internal chaos, Yechan wasn't sure. It could be that they were quite busy that day or maybe it was the fact that Minjae didn't even have a shirt on during practice, allowing the soft glow of the lights above to shine percfectly on his evenly toned abs and chest.

Maybe this was the reason Yechan couldn't concentrate.


The boy had been on his mind since probably the beginning of time. Ever since Yechan had been introduced to the group and they had met, he thought Minjae was the most amazing person he had ever met. Not only was he a kind, heartwarming, and hardworking leader, he also cared deeply for his members. Always checking up on them, occasionally asking how they're doing with their schoolwork and school life. Y'know the basics.

But something that, not only Yechan but also the other members have noticed, is that Minjae always took a little longer with Yechan while checking up on him. Asking him just a few more questions than he did the others. Initiating a bit more skinship with him.

If Yechan didn't know any better, he would have said the older did it because he thinks of him as a bit more than just a team member. But a part of Yechan's mind conflicted with him day to day saying that there's no way Minjae would ever like him like that. And that he should be grateful to even know him and to cherish their friendship.

But deep in his heart, Yechan knew he wanted so much more than to just be friends with Minjae. He wanted to be able to ogle over him without feeling embarrassed when called out for it. He wanted to place his own lips on those perfect, rosy lips of his. He wanted to call Minjae his and for Minjae to do so for him.

He wanted to feel Minjae in every way possible. Wanted to have Minjae pumping in and out of him, giving and showing him all his love and admiration. To feel Minjae lips in the nape of his neck while touching him in all the right places. 

Yechan was quite surprised that he was able to think such thoughts. He hadn't known that such a side of himself existed. Now he thought about it, whenever he touched himself, whether his dick or his hole, images of Minjae flitter across his mind without his permission. Though, he would quickly shake them away, feeling guilty for thinking of the older in such a way.

This time, though, he didn't find himself guilty for such thoughts. Instead he felt remnants of anger. He thought back to those subtle touches and little flirts Minjae would throw his way and the members' comments on how the two would make a great pair and such. What is all true? What was Minjae trying to tell him? If he liked him, why didn't he just tell him? Why did he make Yechan suffer from self-doubt?

Yechan got a bit too lost in his thoughts and had nearly fallen forward. Luckily, he caught himself, but when he looked up into the mirror, he met Minjae's unwavering eyes. He suddenly felt so small, under the older's intimidating gaze. He moved his eyes downwards to avoid his leader's eyes, but that was a mistake.

He ended up staring directly at Minjae's defined abs. Yechan suddenly lost all contact with the outside world as his mind reeled back to all those hidden fantasies, in the back corner of his mind.

These consisted of all the things Yechan would be so compliant to and would love, if only Minjae actually did them, ranging from painting Yechan with his cum, to tying his hands behind his back and using his mouth as much as he wanted or strapping him down to the bed and pounding into him from behind, making him wet the pillow with tears of pleasure and over-stimulation.

There was a lot more Yechan could think of at that moment, but he was finally interrupted from his unholy thoughts when the music suddenly stopped. They had finished the last round of practice. Not that he actually got any practice done.

He was about to take a sip of water, when his name was called in a voice with traces of frustration.

"Yechan, stay back for some extra practice."

He looked behind him to find Minjae looking at him. He must have been the one who told him to stay behind.

Once all the members had left, Minjae turned on the music to Love Shot by EXO (STREAM THIS SONGGGG).

Yechan looked at his ever-so-wonderful leader with a confused expression. He though he was going to practice their own choreography.

"What?" Minjae asked as if it were a usual thing. "Your body control was way off today, and I know you've been learning the choreo for this song in your own free time. So you're gonna dance until I say stop." He explained sternly.

Yechan understood now, but was still a bit perplexed as to why this song specifically. Nevertheless, he couldn't disobey his leader. He stood in front of the mirror and started the intro to the song as soon as Minjae restarted it.

Three rounds in and Yechan was a mess of sweat, fatigue and sore, aching muscles. You could hear his heavy and unstable breaths from a mile away. Minjae could tell the poor boy was tired, but he had his reasons for this. The truth was, he couldn't tell Yechan to stop dancing even if he wanted to. Seeing the younger panting for breath with sweat glistening on his skin made something ignite in him. He would be lying if he said that he hasn't thought of him in this way, only instead of a practice room, he's on a bed with red and purple marks decorating his sweat-coated skin and ropes around his wrists, restraining him to the headboard.

Minjae's looked at the younger through the mirror and caught his eye. They stared, practically into each other's soul, as if communicating their unsaid desires. Right as it got to the chorus (you know), Yechan had had enough. His face immediately went from tired and drained to a seductive, attracting smirk and his usually big, round eyes were now slits of desire that could burn a hole through the ground. He licked his bottom lip and pulled it between his teeth, mimicking a face of pleasure, never breaking eye contact.

The song ended. Yechan was out of breath. Minjae was frozen in place. Eyes connected. Hearts racing. Minds reeling with possibilities. Cocks hardening. Anything was possible.


Hiya 🙃

Soo... Obviously there's gonna be a part 2.

But I'm not writing it yet, just to mess with y'all

(Unless you read this book at a later time, then congrats, you won't have to wait for an update, also this is just the intro, so I didn't really expect it to be 1300 words🫢)

I haven't seen a SINGLE Minchan fanfic, oneshot or anything, like ever.

So I took matters into my own hands.

You're welcome.

Live, Laugh, Love Junghoon.

ANYGAYS, hope you enjoyed that, and the rest of this book.

Have a great day/night/afternoon/morning/evening.

Bye <3