You Don't Need Him • Power

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"And then he keeps telling me that he is protecting me." Lauren said stressing over the phone

"Damn that's crazy." I said looking at what juice I wanted to get

"Y/n are you listening, you are the closest thing I have to a boy bestfriend can you help me." Lauren said

"I can't because I already told you about him Tariq is a murder convicted or not." I said paying for my things

"You are too!" She said stressing me out

"I definitely kilt for you Lauren don't make it seem like you're innocent." I said whispering some

"Look Y/n you and his dad worked together right?" Lauren said

"No I just was the sister of his mothers best friend." I said

"Tariq probably doesn't even remember me." I said driving

"What's so bad that he is hiding from me." She said

"I love you but I swear I think you are slow. He's a drug dealer Lauren his dad was the next best thing to El Capo. He was born rich and got into that life after his dad cheated. If you believe a nigga that looks like a turtle that's up to you." I said driving to this dumb ass college

"Y/n a turtle?" She said laughing

"He does look like a turtle, but hey imma have to hit you back." I said seeing Cane pull up beside me

"Alright here's the deal. You good at running the streets but Monet wants to see you, and Lorenzo is out so you got see him too." He said getting straight too it

"Ma still running shit?" I asked

"Nah poppy wanted her to back down. You know how that's going." He said walking back to his car

"She wants to see you now nigga." He said smiling

"Yeah Love you too Cane." I said

"Yeah love you too lil sis." He said then drove off



"Look I definitely will be there later but right now I had to go to Brooklyn." I told Lauren getting out the car

"Fine tell Monet I said hi." She said then hung up

"Fucking hell." I said walking in the house

"Watch your mouth girl." Monet said walking past me hitting me in the mouth

"Hey too you to ma." I said then hugged Diana

"Hey lil sis. What took you so long?" She said trying to be funny

"Ha ha. Mind your business." I said

"Well technically you not 18 yet so really your business is my business." She said as Drew came and dapped me up

"Which reminds me. Take your ass to class on time. I get one more call from a teacher I don't know what I'm gone do." Ma said pointing at me

"Yeah gotta graduate Highschool." Cane said hitting me in the back of my head

"Nigga please." I said making him throw his guard and I did the same

"Yeah y'all stop before Lorenzo comes." Ma said

"I'm already here." This nigga

Let me catch y'all up. My sister was Tariq's mom's bestfriend when she was found I ran after the funeral they tried to put me in foster care. Ma found me and took me to the police station everyday I would walk to her house after school she would cuss me out but take me in. Sooner then later she just adopted me. Cane didn't like me after first, Drew and Diana thought I was a boy because we'll I'm intersex. How I met Lauren is a longer story than this.

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