safe binding with and without a binder

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yep, we're talking about this, put the bandages DOWN

this will include safe binding with a binder and safe alternatives to a binder

here's some alternatives that I've heard work pretty well

sports bras: I know absolutely nothing about bras other than I will never touch one in my life and I'm perfectly okay with that, so I've brought in a trusted professional to give some advice. Give it up for Felix, everyone (aka thatemowiththenails )

"sports bras do a better job of holding the breasts in place while you run or do other exercises compared to regular bras and they do the same thing with day to day activities and in order to hold the breasts in place compression is involved, this saved me before I was able to get top surgery. However don't try to layer sports bras because this creates pressure on the chest, ribs, and lungs and can literally cut off your airways. Not to mention it'll just look bulky to everyone else around you and create the opposite effect than desired. Don't do it, man. Speaking from experience (he says with scars from when he broke a rib from doing that and it punctured his lung and they had to fix it)"

layering: using multiple layers can create almost like a gap between your chest and what people look at on the outside. You can use a tank top or just another shirt underneath your original one on top. This works even better when it's hoodie season

now for safe binding with a real binder

removing it: you shouldn't be wearing your binder for more than eight hours. For people under eighteen it's even less than that at six hours

difficulties: you should remove your binder immediately if you experience difficulty breathing or pain, this pain could be anywhere from your back to your chest, this is not supposed to happen. Your binder should be stretchy and breathable

exercise: you should avoid wearing your binder while exercising. Not only can your lungs not properly expand with a binder but it can also cause chafing or itchiness because it'll be rubbing against your skin when you're sweating

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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