"I'm sorry, Jett," he finally stepped inside, sitting on the edge of bed, "there's no excuse for it, I just couldn't not tell her when she asked me."

"She asked you?" I frowned in confusion.

"She noticed that you've been acting different," he nodded, "she was just worried about you. I was worried about you, Jett."

"You don't need to be worried about me," I shrugged to hide my discomfort, "I'm fine."

"If you want to be that way then fine," he crossed his arms, "but I'll be offended that you said yes when Emmaline told you to hang out and no to me. I thought we were friends."

"We barely tolerate each other, Kai," I smiled at his disability to show his seriousness, "but sure, I'll come with you since it's for Emma."


"You owe me two now," I raised two fingers, "as the saying goes, your cup keeps getting heavier."

"...that's not even a saying, you literally just came up with that."

"Whatever, it's still a saying because I said it."

"Just get dressed, Jett," He rolled his eyes and stood up, "you make it so hard to actually like you."

"You're so ungrateful," I called out as he shut the door behind him before letting out a sigh, going to my closet to find something comfortable to wear. I fixed me hair in a high ponytail and did my makeup before heading downstairs, "Mum, I'm leaving with Kai and Uncle Warner."

"Okay!" She replied from the couch, "are you wearing a jacket? It's cold."

"Yup," I put on my shoes, eyeing Kai who was waiting next to the door, "bye!"

I put my hands in my pockets as Kai shut the door behind us. I quickly moved to the car, opening the backseat door and hopping in before Kai does. I didn't want to sit next to Uncle Warner right now, I don't know what difference would it make, I'd still sense whatever he felt towards me right now, but at least I won't have to see his quick gazes on me or feel the need to say something to break the silence.

"Hey," Uncle Warner's voice said when I closed the door behind me.

"Hi," I looked outside of the window, hearing Kai open the passenger door before I heard it close. This already felt like it was going to be a long ride. When uncle started the engine and took off, it was silent, but not for me. Because I felt a little of discomfort that I knew exactly was whose. I never know what Kai's feeling anyway, it's like he has his emotions locked up somehow. Now that I think about it Kai and Naz were the only ones I never truly know what's going on with.

Anyway, I didn't like making Uncle Warner uncomfortable, I don't mean it. He was trying to help you, you pushed him away, what do you expect? I didn't mean to push him away, it wasn't about him exactly. It was my own problem, I pushed everyone away. I don't even talk about it when Dad tries to check on me. I already know that he told Mum. She tried to hide that she knew, but it was a dead giveaway just like Emma.

I could feel how upset she was that I didn't talk to her about it, that I didn't go for her the first thing. I also didn't want that, I'd tell her eventually and go along with her act that she didn't know, maybe I'll apologize then for taking long to say anything, it will make her happy. I wanted to make her happy.

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