A Diaper

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Shadow's P.O.V

So... After my little nap, I woke up in my bed, but something felt off. I sat up and I heard a little crinkle. What the-? I took the blanket off and saw a DIAPER! I mean, I knew that Rose was going to get them, but diapering me in my SLEEP?!

This is so unfair...

That was a dirty move...

Just then, FAKER came in the room and I couldn't cover the diaper fast enough. I couldn't even close my legs all the way and I had to move a lot to be comfortable in it. "...Hey, Shadow." He came over to sit next to me on the bed. And because he sat on the blanket, I couldn't pull it up to cover my diaper and just sat there in embarrassment.

 Faker sighed... "Shadow, I know you don't like it, but we can't afford any more accidents." I pouted. "So unfair!!" I knew it was unfair. But now I felt a little more... child-like. I feel myself slipping into little space, but I tried to stop myself.

Faker nodded. "...I know. But you need them, buddy." He rubbed my shoulder and, for some reason, tears pricked at my eyes. I wiped them, but they stuck around and Faker pulled me up into his arms. He held me like a baby... which as embarrassingly comfortable to say the least.

The good thing about Faker was that he could easily tell if I was in little space or not. He snuggled me into his body and my tears vanished. I cooed and curled my legs, momentarily forgetting about the diaper between them.

He sat down on the bed and rubbed my head. "...It'll be ok, Shadow. I promise." He held me close. "Buuuut... do you know what has to happen now?" I looked confused and shook my head. "Diaper check." He looked nervous as my eyes widened. 

"Oh, hell no!" I struggled against Faker but he easily pinned me face down on the bed and pulled my diaper back, making me squeak in embarrassment.

It was a really cold room, huh?

I felt a lot of cold hit me when he pulled back the diaper so I stiffened. That gave him the chance to flip me around and check the front. Once again, he pulled the diaper back and the cold hit me so I shivered at it before he made sure the diaper was once again 'comfortably' on me.

"See? That wasn't so bad, right?" I growled lowly at him. "...Ok, maybe so. But you didn't use it!" I 'hmph'ed and pouted. "I'm not using this thing if it KILLS me." "Alright. I'm not FORCING you to use it, it's just extra precaution. If you need to use the bathroom, I'll help you reach... everything. Ok?" He gave me a warm smile and my ears pinned to my head.

What twas this feeling that thy felt?

That's a Shakespeare quote, right? Eh, does it matter? I think I felt guilty, alright? Why? I don't know. Something about how he gave me that... nice... doll... or maybe the fact I'm slipping into 'little space'..? I don't know... either way, I felt guilty about it. He's trying his best, y'know..? I'm just making everything harder...

???'s P.O.V (Dying to know who this is? Yeah, me too.)

Why won't this guy LISTEN?! I KNOW he cares about the blue hedgehog, so why won't he admit it?? Ugh, this is harder than love... not that 'ShAdOw' wouldn't make that difficult TOO. Ugh, now I know how #%$ feels... don't tell her I said that, she wouldn't let me live it down.

Just what will it take for these two hard-heads to admit they care about each other?! I am DONE with this fake 'rivalry'! Just be friends already!! If this kid won't do it, I'll do it FOR him...

(Me: I think with each coming chapter, y'all are getting more curious about the mystery person~ Just who exactly IS he? Well, we won't know today.
???: ...I think I'm the only one doing this for free-
Lil' Shadow: Yeah, because you LOVE to manipulate people.
???: That I do. 😌
Me: See y'all next chapter!! 😁)

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