Chapter One

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Marcus Smart's POV: Meeting Al Horford

Marcus Smart's POV: Al and I have been planning for a hangout since we Met. Somehow, he was thinking of taking me to Dominican Republic and he wants to take me with him sometime next week. Wait! I haven't gone to Dominican Republic because I always wanted to go there even though my dad wouldn't let me go haha. Anyways, let's do something fun.

Boston, MA

He was getting ready to head out when he heard the doorbell ringing. He goes downstairs and opens the door. "Oh hi there Al," Al Horford comes in. "Marcus, I came here to pick you up, shall we get going?" "Yeah!" "Let's go!" Next, they were eating out at the restaurant and bonded together. However, Al wanted to tell Marcus about some other things that he wanted him to hear.

Al Horford: So I know it may sound early to say this but we've been getting to know each other for quite some time and I was thinking if we can start a relationship together?

Marcus Smart: why the heck not? I'd love to have a relationship with you. It's just that I get heartbroken because I had a horrible previous relationship from last year and it's just taking a toll on me.

Al Horford: awww so sorry to hear that. You know I wouldn't do anything to you Marcus.

Marcus Smart: I know.

Al Horford: so Marcus, I know it may be too early for me to say this but I like you.

Marcus Smart: what?

Al Horford: the first time I met you, you were a great person to talk to and I always thought that we could be together as a couple. So what do you say Marcus? Will you be my girlfriend?

Marcus Smart: yes Al! I'll be your girlfriend!

Marcus and Al Horford hugged each other.

Marcus was pleased to hear that Al Horford could be finally be his boyfriend and wanted to talk about their plans together. Although, he wanted to know if he could come to Dominican Republic to meet his family.

Al Horford: So Marcus, I was thinking if you'd like to come to Dominican Republic with me?

Marcus Smart: Oh my goodness! I'd love to go with you!

Al Horford: Great! I'll reserve the tickets, so that we can go together and you'll love to meet my family.

Marcus Smart's POV:

I was invited my Al Horford to go to his hometown with him to meet his family. In fact, I was so excited because I always wanted to go to the Dominican Republic. In the meantime, I can only stay there for one week and then head back to Boston before the NBA seasons start. Yet, I'd be visiting Al Horford more often at the cafe to catch up with him.

3 weeks later,

Marcus Smart came to Puerto Plata as the Horford Family were very excited to see their son. "Hijo! It's good to see you," Mrs. Horford hugs her son. "It's great to see you too," Al added. "Mami, Papi, there's someone who would love to meet you," He introduced Marcus Smart to the family.

Marcus Smart: Hi everyone!

Mrs. Horford: Hi I'm Mrs. Horford

Mr. Horford: I'm Alfredo

Anna: I'm Anna.

Jon Horford: I'm Jon, nice to meet you Marcus.

Maira: I'm Maira

Josh: Josh. Nice to meet you.

Marcus Smart: It's nice to meet you all guys.

Mrs. Horford: I heard you met my son.

Marcus Smart: yes and we've been getting to know each other since we met.

Mrs. Horford: that's great to hear! Come join us for dinner.

Marcus Smart: Awesome!

Marcus Smart's POV:

I joined the Horford Family for dinner and man! I can tell that they are very welcoming. Although, her soft voice was telling me that me and Al Horford will make a great couple. That being said, please don't ask me for any baby plans yet because I don't want to pressure myself for now when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth. Yeah, that would hurt like hell, so I'm going to take things slow for now.

They were at the cantina when Mrs. Horford talked him out about wanting to have a baby, but Marcus informed her that he wanted to take things slow with Al.

Mrs. Horford: so Marcus, I know that you and Al are going to be a great couple, but do you want to plan on  becoming a mom?

Marcus Smart: actually Mrs. Horford, we don't want to pressure ourselves for now.

Mrs. Horford: I understand.

Marcus and Al looked at each other and held hands.

Al Horford: I think we should take things slow too since I don't want you to get pregnant too early.

Marcus Smart: I know.

Al Horford: but I was thinking I really want a baby.

Marcus Smart: really?

Al Horford: Yes.

Their night had come to an end as MR us would sit on the bed. Somehow, he asked how Al Horford was going to sleep on his own room. "It's okay Marcus, I won't mind. Besides, we can sleep together," Marcus sighs and went on with their lives. Little did Marcus know, his life was about to unravel when he becomes pregnant with his baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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