A Casual Wagon Ride

Start from the beginning

I decided to pass the time by searching for any rare bugs I could pass off to Auni. He loved his bugs as much as he loved his family. Maybe even more. But his parents were strict on his comings and goings and so he's only ever been to Bahari a few times in his young life. Of course this meant he couldn't get any Bahari bugs. One of the crucial items in my satchel that I always carried on me was a small bug box Auni gave to me the first time we met. It was no wider than the size of my hand and only half as tall. The lid had small holes poked in to let the bugs breathe. Ten minutes wasn't a lot of time to look for bugs but there was one bug I was always able to find with ease: the Azure Stonehopper. It was bright purple in color; a huge contrast to the greens and browns of nature. Luckily for me I was able to catch one just up the hill from the wagon stop, toward the towering abandoned lighthouse. I clasped the latches over the lid of the box. Just then I noticed the wagon coming up the road. No, it was almost at the stop already. I was too absorbed in stalking this one bug that I neglected to notice it rounding the corner of the cliffs. I sprinted down the hill toward the stop. The elder sernuk flicked their ears, hearing my approach. Their coachman was more oblivious. I leapt into the back of the wagon. The whole thing tipped at my momentous added weight. I hurriedly pressed my back against the opposite side, bringing the wagon back down. The wood shook and creaked from the sudden stress.

"Ahh...!" In the front seat, Nai'o had released one hand on the reins to try to steady himself. It was only when the wagon had stopped teetering that he decided to look around to see what caused the ruckus.

I gave him a mischievous smile. "Dragon! Wren!" He exasperated but he laughed nonetheless.

I hopped over the edge into the driver's seat with him. "Hiya Nai'o."

"Ha! Hey, Wren. Haven't seen you in a while."

I rolled my eyes. "You saw me two days ago when you dropped off some of your family's jams."

"And? What if I said I missed you?" He said in a hushed voice, almost as if he were scared to say it any louder.

I looked over at him. He was looking straight ahead at the road, as a driver should be, but you could see the gears turning in his head. His cheeks turned a darker shade of pink, reaching all the way to his ears. It was cute how readable he was.

I had done a lot of thinking during the few days I hadn't seen Nai'o. Hassian and I were now intimately involved with each other, although neither of us had openly confessed our feelings. I was still nervous to do so. It was all but confirmed he felt the same way but I was worried it would only be temporary. A crush. On the other hand, Nai'o had been sweet to me from the beginning. I took his compliments as kindness. But lately he's been more bold in his choice of words. And I could see it... in the way he looks at me... pure affection and longing. I couldn't deny my own feelings toward him any longer. They weren't as strong and overwhelming as my feelings for Hassian. But they were there... a small flame threatening to grow into a bonfire.

Nai'o was sweet, kind, hardworking, loving, and, frankly, a great cook. He had made me blueberry pies before that were to die for. He was everything a woman would want in an eligible bachelor.

But is it possible to love two people at once? I was feeling conflicted at my own feelings, unsure of what to make of it or what direction to take. Rather than stirring up trouble, wouldn't it be better to just pick one person?

Nai'o took my silence as its own answer. To my surprise, he didn't shy away. "I did miss you, Wren."

And when his eyes met mine, I could see that same affection and longing. It made me choke on my words. Instead of waiting for my response, he continued on as if it were a normal conversation: "Just a couple more days until the ball, are you ready?"

From Dust and Steel (Hassian x MC x Nai'o) (Palia)Where stories live. Discover now