Chapter 9: Fortune 500

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): "How do you know about the cookies?"

Sierra: "Oh I got this weird one that says I will have sex with the man I least desired."

Gwen: "What the- okay Izzy did you get a fortune involving sex too?"

Izzy: "Nah, I was having lunch with Sierra when she got hers."

Courtney: "Did you get a fortune cookie too?"

Izzy: "Eh, I'm not much of a fortune cookie fan."

Just then you hear your phone ring as you answer it.

Paulina: *Over the phone* "Babe, something very weird happened."

(Y/N): "What is it?"

Paulina: *over the phone*"Me and Shego are at Panda Express and we opened our fortune cookies and they said-"

Shego: *Over the phone* "You'll have sex with your eternal rival."

Courtney: "Okay this is too weird! First me and Gwen, then Sierra, and now Shego and Paulina."

???: "I know right?"

You then open the garden shed and you see Lauren.

(Y/N): "Lauren?"

Gwen: "Oh let me guess, you got a sex fortune too?"

Lauren: "What? No, I'm not into fortune cookies."

Izzy: "You're there to eat the chicken at Panda Express?"

Lauren: "Yeah."

Izzy: "Me too! We should hang out more often."*gets a phone call*"Oh it's Scarlet."*answers the phone*"Hello."

Scarlett: *over the phone*"I have received a fortune involving intercourse with a giantess. It says, "You will have sex with the tallest person you know."

(Y/N): "A magical girl will get a weird fortune in a few seconds."

Zee: *comes in*"I got a fortune that says I will have sex with my mom!"

(Y/N): "Bingo."

Sometime later, we see Gwen, Courtney, Zee, Shego, Paulina, and the others are still feeling uncomfortable about these fortunes.

Gwen: "I swear if this is a sick joke from Chris I'm gonna kill him!"

(Y/N): "Even with his social influence, he doesn't have the social standing to converse with people with phenomenal cosmic powers."

Courtney: "So what do we do now?"

Shego: "I got texts from Drakken that Kim is gonna go after me."

(Y/N): "Okay let's go to Panda Express to solve this mystery."

Later at Panda Express, we see you push the General Manager to the wall and you beat him up.

(Y/N): "Where did you get those cookies!?"

Manager: "W-Wait you're not here for drug operation!?"

(Y/N): "I'll finish you up when the cops are done with you!!!"

Manager: "Okay, okay I'll talk!"

(Y/N): "Where did you get the fortune cookies?!"

Manger: "God damn it man the truck that delivers them is right there!"

You and the girls see the truck that delivers the cookies as you then turn to Lauren.

Manager: "Wait, what are you doing?"

(Y/N): "Lauren, make sure all of the staff of Panda Express sing like birds to the police."*to Scarlett*"Call the police."

Not long later, we see the police arrive at Panda Express and they see the employees run up to the cops and they are ready to go to jail.

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