Chapter 9: Fortune 500

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Here we see both Courtney and Gwen coming into your lab and they both were blushing like crazy.

Courtney: "...Hey..."

Gwen: "....hi...."

You then scan both Gwen and Courtney with a probability scanner.

(Y/N): "Huh? Weird?"

Courtney: "What?"

(Y/N): "It seems most likely you two will be having sex with each other, hot steaming sex."

Gwen: "Uh what!?"

Courtney: "Excuse me!? What kind of fortunes are these?! That can't be true!"

(Y/N): "Let's prove it with science and brute force."

We later see you and the girls in the back yard and we see you put down two shoe boxes.

(Y/N): "Alright girls, put on the blindfolds."*sees the girls put on blindfolds*"In these shoe boxes are your names, just place a hand on them and take off the blindfold."

Courtney: "... Okay."

Gwen: "This doesn't feel like science."

(Y/N): "We're measuring reality. Now go."

Gwen and Courtney put their hands on the boxes and they take off the blindfolds and when they open the boxes they see their names.

Courtney: "I got the one with your name."

Gwen: "Ditto."

(Y/N): "Alright turn around and let's do it again."

Gwen and Courtney then turn around and you didn't change the positions of the boxes.

(Y/N): "Alright choose the box with your names in them."

Gwen and Courtney then pick the boxes and they see each other's names.

Gwen: "Same thing."

(Y/N): "Again."

Gwen and Courtney turn around and you swap the boxes. This has gone on so many times and you get a bit angry.

(Y/N): "Okay are you two fucking peaking!!?"

Gwen: "What's going on!?!"

Courtney: "You're scaring us!!"

(Y/N): "Did you two peak?!"

Courtney: "No we didn't see anything! We're still wearing the blindfolds!"

???: "What's going on here?"

You and the girls see Izzy watching the whole thing from a tree as she was hanging upside down.

Gwen: "Is that Izzy?"

Courtney: "Yep."

Izzy: "Uhh, what's with the blindfolds? Are you two-"

Gwen and Courtney: "We're not having sex!"

Izzy: "I was gonna ask if you're playing a game involving blindfolds, I played this one game in the Bermuda Triangle from a friend who is a double jointed acrobat that involves-"

(Y/N): "Enough with your life story, what are you doing here?"

Izzy: "Oh right, (Y/N) you always do these crazy experiments."*pulls Sierra from the tree*"I brought Sierra along to help get over Cody's restraining order on her."

(Y/N): "I'll deal with that later, right now I'm dealing with something else."

Izzy: "Is it the weird fortune cookies from Panda Express?"

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