We start walking through the woods, trying to find our way back. A few minutes into walking it starts to lightly rain, so Scott pulls his hood up as I curse myself for picking up a jacket with no hood. We continue walking, hearing all kinds of different noises coming from various different animals, but then we realise it had fallen completely silent so we both came to a stop as I looked at Scott he was about to use his inhaler until, suddenly a herd of deer came charging towards us knocking us to the ground, i try and avoid the terrified deer that were galloping all around us. Once the deer had cleared out, I sat up and looked over at Scott "Are you alright?" I ask, "Yeah, I'm fine, you?" he replied "yeah, I'm alright" "Great" Scott said under his breath "I lost my inhaler" he says standing up and looking around for it "Awesome" I say sarcastically then sigh, also getting up and starting to help look. Scott turns his phone on to use as a light source, we look all over until we come across a dead body, no, THE dead body, oh. my. god. I stare shocked for a second, only a second though, because when Scott noticed her he screamed and fell backwards into me causing us to fall all the way to the bottom of the hill, that we had climbed earlier, I groaned as we landed. Scott crawls over to a fallen tree to lift himself up, he then turns to me and helps me stand "Thanks" I say and dust myself off. We then jump over the fallen tree and stalk walking back until we hear a low growling noise, we slowly turn around to see where the noise came from, only to find a large, beastly wolf with glowing red eyes standing a few feet away from us, both of our eyes widen with shock, and then the wolf growls and starts running towards us, Scott quickly pushes me out of the way as the wolf jumps onto Scott biting him, then looks over to me and stares for a second before running off. Scott gets up almost instantly and shouts at me to hurry, before I get up and we run away together, both of us shocked and scared. Scott is somehow ahead of me, probably adrenaline, and accidentally runs in front of a car, which thankfully swerves around him, once the car has gone I run over to him "Are you ok? Did the creature bite you?" I say panic lasing my voice, Scott slowly lifts up his shirt to show the damage "Oh god..." I say as I look at the bite and the blood covering his right  side, then as we stand in the middle of the road in the rain we hear the wolf howling. 

--Time Skip--

Its the next day and I arrive at school a little earlier than Scott, seeming as I got a lift from Stiles this morning, where as Scott wasn't up in time, so he just missed Stiles. 

Stiles and I wait outside of the school for Scott just making random small talk. After a good few minuets we see Scott walking over, "Okay, lets see this thing" Stiles says to Scott, referring to the injury he gained last night, Scott lifts up his shirt to reveal a gauze and tape covering the wound, you could see specks of blood seeping through. "Ohh!" Stiles exclaims "Yeah..." Scott mumbles before Stiles tries to touch the gauze, which causes Scott to flinch a little in pain "Whoa!" Stiles says. "It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf." Scott explained as the three of them walk towards the school, Stiles first looks at me, then over to Scott in disbelief "A wolf bit you?" Stiles asks, "Uh-huh." Scott agrees "No, not a chance." Stiles argues "We heard a wolf howling." Scott says referring to the both of us "No you didn't." Stiles continues to argue "What do you mean 'No, we didn't'? How do you know what we heard? Arden can even confirm!" Scott argues back, they then both turn to me "Yeah, no. I'm not getting involved" I said, too lazy to argue so early "You didn't hear a wolf, because California doesn't have wolves, okay? Not in, like, 60 years." Stiles says turning back to Scott as I trail behind them, listening in. "Really?" Scott says looking surprised as they stop and I catch up, "Yes, really. There are no wolves in California." Stiles says as he stands in front of Scott and I, "All right. Well, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not going to believe me about when I tell you we found the body." Scott says, with the slightest smile and Stiles' mood changes instantly from irritation to excitement "You- are you kidding me?" he says smiling like a little kid on Christmas day "He's not kidding, it was terrifying" I speak up "She's right, I'm going to have nightmares for months" Scott adds "Oh, god, that is freakin' awesome. I mean this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since-" Stiles gets distracted by something, or rather someone, behind us "-Since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey, Lydia! You look.." he stops as she completely ignores us walking into school "Like you're gonna ignore me..." He says after a few seconds then looks back at us, mainly Scott and says "You're the cause of this, you know." Scott just replies with "Uh-huh" "Draggin' me down to your nerd depths. I'm a nerd by association. I've been Scarlet-nerded by you. Arden you need to run before it happens to you too" Stiles continues as we walk into school after hearing the bell "Somehow, I think I'm fine Stiles, if anything, I'll boost your guys' popularity" I reply, not really caring if my popularity does go down.

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