Things about my Oc!!

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Ok first off I apologies for not writing like I said I was, a lot has happened during these couple of weeks, I spent Christmas break and day throwing my guts out and I moved to a new place and will start a at a new school soon. But I will start writing this story as soon as I have everything and all the details figured out but anyways on to the explanation of my oc and my oc's family.

Ok so here are some thing's about my Oc Tori.

Her secret:

I know I said she was keeping a secret in the description but I am just going to say incase some don't get what I'm trying to get at. She is also an alien 'I am so sorry Krel for using the word you do not like.'  but anyways she is not just any alien 'SORRY' she is also a royal princes of her home planet, 'Planet Harmony.' I know a cliche name for a planet that I am making up but I struggle with naming stuff.

Her planet: so planet harmony is her home where her parents are the royal rulers and protectors along with her older brothers who are the prince's of Harmony. The description of the planet is the pictures below cause I am also bad at describing things.

Ok so I couldn't find a realistic photo of what I wanted so this is the closes thing I will get so basically this is how her planet would look like, and the land it's much similar to earth but there much more alien 'I'm so sorry' technology and th...

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Ok so I couldn't find a realistic photo of what I wanted so this is the closes thing I will get so basically this is how her planet would look like, and the land it's much similar to earth but there much more alien 'I'm so sorry' technology and there is also more magic and the people of harmony are different in there own special way and yes there is magic but only the royal bloodline can develop it because on akiridon-5 only royals can have four arms so I wanted to do something similar and by that I mean give the royals something only they can have. Moving on there are trees on harmony but the leave's and trump parts are different colors (example; a white tree with pink leaves or a blue tree with purple leaves, etc.) There water is so clear it looks like a beautiful crystal, speaking of crystals there whole planet is alive because of the heart crystal which is basically how there planet is alive along with them and without it both the planet and people are in danger. There planet is filled with so many crystals that is how some of the civilians have magic thanks to their crystals they have, that is also how they have money, there money is the crystals basically or gems depends on what there buying. Most of the home and building are either made from crystal or diamond prism's that look like igloo's, some do have wooded home's but mostly crystal home's, speaking of homes Tori lives in the palace that is made from all sorts of crystals, diamonds and gems. Her home is down below: 

That's pretty much it for her home I will say more about it during the story, moving on

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That's pretty much it for her home I will say more about it during the story, moving on.

How baby making works on Harmony:

Ok so you know how Akiridion's have babies after the 7th kiss but the males are the one who get pregnant, well its basically the same but different. So basically any gender on harmony can give birth, I know that sound's strange but that how I am making it, so another thing it depends on which gender the person gives birth to, so say if a male got pregnant then that's what gender the baby will be. ( example if a male and female couple got pregnant than if the dad was the one giving birth than the baby would be a boy or if the mom gave birth than it's a girl, etc.) oh and also no they don't need to kiss 7 times for it to happen there way is different, on planet harmony if they want to have a baby than they would have to do a whole ritual or ceremony (basically a baby shower thing) on a very beautiful flower and crystal (called the infant flower and crystal) that will chose which person will give birth to their baby and at the end they will seal it with a kiss. It takes them about 5 months until the birth. It is very rare for them to have a baby that is opposite of there gender until a certain princess was born.

Tori's Family:

Ok so Tori doesn't have a mom, she has two dads, yeah you read right the royal parents of tori are both males, King Drexon and King Zalax. The day tori was born was a astonishing day, both her parent were happy and blessed but confused and wonder how and why has this happen only now, but they honestly couldn't care on how it happened they were so happy that they now had a beautiful baby girl who was destined to be a great ruler one day. 

Moving on Tori does not have one or two but four older brother's. The royal princes of harmony.

- 1st brother, Milo Stardust, he was the king's first born, the day he was born was a really busy day because while king Drexon was giving birth there was a great battle happening outside that his father king Zalax was caught in the middle of. By the time he was almost birthed his father nearly arrived but he got to hold his first child for the first time. Let's just say there was a lot of water works.

-2nd brother, Aiden Stardust, he was born a few years after Milo was, this time it was king Zalax turn to give birth and lets just say there was a lot of screaming but after a while another beautiful baby boy was born. But then all of a sudden there were more contractions and another (baby?)

-3rd brother, Adrien Stardust, yep that's right twins, Adrian was born a few minutes after Aiden was and let me tell you he was a much more calming baby then mister crying like crazy Aiden over there.

4th brother, Rae Stardust, and last but not least we have the youngest of the brothers, the day Rae was born was a miracle because while king Drexon was out for walk in the forest he started get contractions but before he can call for anyone he was ambushed by one of harmonies greatest enemy's all though he put up a great fight he was still a bit slow due to being almost in labor by the time backup came he was almost close to giving birth right in the middle of a fight, luckily nothing happened to the baby Rae.

Last Child, Tori Stardust, tori's birth was one of the most rarest of all, she was the first female born from a male. And not just any male the king of harmony, King Zalax, her birth was actually difficult to the point where no one knew if she was going to make it but all that worry went away when she successfully came into the world. The first to hold her was King Zalax clearly, but once she was introduced to her 4 older brothers they instantly fell in love with there little sister especially Rae because now he wasn't the only youngest child of the family.

Ok starlight's that is all for today I will be posting a background story of tori tomorrow and maybe explain more about the story and my schedule. But I hope you all like todays work and I hope you all have a good day/evening/night.

Love ya!! 

Love ya!! 

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