I'm Only Human Sometimes

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The lights went down, the smoke machine came on and the laser lights started to fly. "What the hell?" I said as I turned to look at my friend Blair. Blair isn't into the type of music that I am into, therefore she probably would have never come with me to this concert if the tickets weren't free. She just rolled her eyes and then they got really wide as she looked at the stage.

Standing there amongst the smoke was a guy who I can only describe as wearing something you'd expect Edgar Allen Poe to wear. Not top coat just a vest with a frilly white shirt under it with an insanely red scarf around his throat. Plain black slacks and old fashioned black shoes. Instantly I was intrigued.

"The sinners crying we're dressed like fame, The shame of knowing the guilty. The killer instinct to play this game, I know we're nothing but filthy."

I knew that I had heard it before. Underworld, a favorite of mine. There was just something about this guy. I couldn't take my eyes off him. From time to time it seemed as if he glanced in my direction with a pained look on his face, or maybe it was confusion. I shrugged it off in thinking that it was maybe someone behind me he was looking at although I was pretty sure we locked eyes.

"Were in the Deathclub! All free to sin away.Take your own life. Silent, damned and strange."

He had finished his set and came back to the stage to let out one last cry to the crowd.

"Thank you Worcester you were fucking amazing!!! Are you ready for the Black Veil Brides?!?!"

Of course from there everyone, myself included, went wild. And so the music started.

As the smoke started to clear out and so did the people I grabbed Blair and said "I have to know him. I have to find him and at least say something to him!"

"You're nuts," she said "he'll take one look at you and walk away."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Blair." I turned on my heel and headed towards the side exit.

Just as I was passing the last bit of the stage, an arm shot out from behind the curtains, grabbed my arm and pulled me into darkness. That was all I could see, black. It took every ounce of energy I had in my not to scream as a voice begged me not to...

"Shhhhhh, please don't scream. I didn't mean to scare you. I saw you out in the crowd tonight and saw you with your friend just now. You've got to be one of the most beautiful girls I've seen in this crowd, hell in all the crowds I've seen on this tour."

I just stared at him. Him...it was him. WIlliam Control. He was looking dead into my face at an uncomfortable distance and for some reason. I wasn't afraid, I wasn't concerned and the feeling of needed to scream disappeared.

I, of course, blurted out sometime totally stupid like only I would do to ruin a moment such as this. "Omg I loved your set! I'd never heard of you before but went out on iTunes, mid show, and downloaded your cd!"

"Um, thanks. Did you hear what I said?" he said with a slight grin.

"I did. I just thought maybe I was hearing it in my head at first. Almost like a dream but after you asked if I had I knew it had to be real."

He looked at me as if he was searching for something then a grin slowly made it was across his face. He brought his hand up to my face. Running his thumb across my bottom lip, brushing my piercing. He gently moved his fingers up my jaw and up into my long black hair to the back of my head and pulled me into a kiss.

His lips were surprisingly soft. He tasted of tobacco and smelled of sweat and cologne mixed. The kiss was gentle at first and then grew in intensity as it went on. Our tongues danced together, twirling and entwining together. After what seemed like hours, he pulled back to look at me.

"Nope, not a dream." he said. "Just a figment of your imagination."

And as if by magic....he was gone. I stood there in shock for a few minutes then I realized I had a bright red scarf draped around my neck. He wasn't a dream....and I would find him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2013 ⏰

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