"Be careful," Kenji said, and Naz nodded, disappearing into thin air. Literally disappearing. She turned her invisibility on before a second later the back door cracked open slightly, probably enough for to pass through before Kenji grabbed the phone, waiting what felt like seconds, "bring Warner and come here right now... I'll explain later. Just right now, Juliette."

I watched Kenji hang up and head to the room next to the one we were in, coming out with a gun in his hand just as the front door knocked, my hands tightening on Kai's as James went to open it, Mum and Dad rushing in with a gun in Dad's hand as well.

"What is it? What's happening?" Mum asked, moving towards Kai and I, "are you okay? Did any of you get hurt?"

"No," Kai answered, "but—"

"Nazeera is out there alone," Kenji cut Kai off, "Emma says someone was watching them, someone she saw before. Let's go."

"James, keep your eyes on them," Dad pointed at James then at Kai and I before they followed Kenji outside, leaving the three of us standing in the now silent room.

"Hey," James whispered, holding my shoulder until I looked up at him, blinking rapidly as my eyes burned, "it's okay. You're okay here."

"I know— that's not why—" I let out a frustrated breath, letting go of Kai's hand to run a hand through my hair. I wasn't scared of the man harming us, I was just freaked out, "how long has he been following us for? Was he in our shadows the whole day today and we didn't notice? Did he watch us everyday—"

"Emmaline," Kai pulled my attention with his stern voice, his hands brushing my hair behind my ears and held both sides of my head to focus my eyes on him, "none of this matters now.  Take a breath."

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath before letting it out, opening my eyes to Kai nodding with a soft smile. He always did that. Always reminded me to breathe when I couldn't hear my own thoughts telling me to, "do you want some water?"

I swallowed and nodded my head, watching him head to the kitchen before my gaze went to James who was already looking at me, "hey."

"Hey, Ems," he smiled and took my wrist to let us sit on the couch, "they're going to handle it out there, alright?"

"Why is it taking them so long?" I looked towards the backdoor, seeing a shadow of what looked like Mum. She probably wouldn't leave this spot in case he made it past the rest to try to get in.

"They got out less than a minute ago, Emma," James soothed. Then why did it feel like forever? "It's probably just someone trying to scare us off, he may not be related to anything."

"How did he know where we live?" I snapped my head to James, "nobody knows where we live expect the ones we tell, I saw him before. He must have been following us. He's been following us all this time, oh my god."

I buried my face in my hands, trying to take in breaths as I felt my foot tap against the floor anxiously. The thought of someone just always being there, watching you. Knowing where you live, where you go, when you do it creeped me out more than anything, made the hairs on my body stands to their ends.

I've never been in a situation like this, never even thought of it. Our parents already faced far worse. This was all new to both Kai and I. I don't know what I'm supposed to do in this situation, I don't know what would happen if I decided to let that guy know I saw him. I just don't know anything.

"Emmaline," Kai's voice came from my right, making me look up to him holding a glass of water for me before sitting by my side as I took a sip.

"What do you think he wants?" I asked, not to anyone in particular, sensing both Kai and James's heads turn to me, "I mean... is he alone? Could he be a part of that rebellion?"

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