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Growing up in the forest one would see lots of weird things, some things one wouldn't be able to explain. When it comes to me, I guess you can say that i am also out of the ordinary. With all things considered, all I knew was that my father was a warlock whom I had little memory of and a mother I really never got to know. As she supposedly died when I was just a baby. Yet that was according to my father. 

I can barely remember who my father was since he passed away right before my first full moon where I transitioned into a full witch. He had died while out on one of his many travels , a werewolf he was trying to heal had turned and killed him. When she had transitioned while he was healing her, her animal instinct took over and she saw him as an immediate threat. Which lead to him fight for his life as he tried to escape but he wasn't fast enough to escape. Ever since that day I have been very wary of helping any supernatural creatures, including werewolves. Yet I wouldn't let them die on my grounds. I wasn't entirely heartless, even if I hated their kind with all my being I couldn't let a living being die as it was against my craft and morals. 

I am well aware that I shouldn't blame all of their kind for his death but I can't shake the hatred and the pain the attack and his death left within me. It was an all consuming type of grief that changed how I saw things and looked at life, yet I still helped anyone or anything being in need no matter how much it pained me because my father wouldn't want me to hold a grudge or be heartless, that was the one thing I did remember about him. He was caring, loving and kind and always kept an open mind..

Sometimes I wish I was more like him...

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