Chapter 3

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Hours pass, with almost no signs of any disturbance. Silence falls over the room as all the girls stressed over what would happen. Everything seemed so scary all up until the walkie-talkie finally turned on and gave out a signal. "Amethyst, it's time. You can come on down." The voice said, seemingly being from Purple. The girls all come together and hug Amethyst, with Amethyst herself being a bit nervous.
The girl left the room, heading downstairs as she made her way to Purple's room, also known as the color room. Upon opening the door, she could see Purple, Pink, a mysterious kid who no one truly knows anything about, Red, a very gothic girl who never really gets into conversations with anyone, Blue, a very nervous boy who always seems at edge with everyone, and she even saw Square. "Oh, perfect timing. Square here was just finishing things up. I believe the route is all set for you. Pink, wanna give her the rundown of the layout?" Purple says as he turns to his fellow friend.
Pink smiles and nods. "Yeah sure thing. So down in the basement, we need you to explore the north eastern part of the floor. It's mostly unexplored, and could potentially be dangerous. We've concluded that the power supply has to be in the area, and that's what we need. If we can shut off the power, we can use Squares night vision goggles to lead teams of people out before mother can fix the issue. If we're lucky, she won't find us, and we can leave this place for good!"
Amethyst smiles at this while looking at the now laid out map Pink spread out. Meanwhile Square was adjusting some mechanisms in his devices. "Hey, Amethyst. We'll be needing you to wear this camera strapped onto your head. This way we can use the feed to map out the area. Then, we'll be tracking down your movements to gain a good estimate of time. From this, we'll make a good plan to set everything in motion. If you can, just stand straight and we'll get this on you with ease." Square says as attempts to reach up and place the camera on her head. Amethyst bends down slightly to allow this, and the camera was set.
"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Purple asks as he places a hand on her shoulder. Amethyst smiles and nods before speaking. "Y-Yeah I'm ready. Shall I make my way there?" Purple chuckles at this before nodding and leading Amethyst to the basement down a few floors. While sneaking away, the two hear some steps along the floor, yet nothing comes from the ominous sounds. Eventually Purple was able to lead Amethyst down, and into the basement.
The door to the basement was wooden, painted over to look like the wall with a simple little push being able to set the piece of wood back. Heading down, the cheap bad conditioned wood seems to be creaking with every few steps. It sounds old and not well made as Purple warns Amethyst before heading back upstairs "Keep an eye out. And don't let your guard down. We still don't know what's down here. We'll be back for you if you need." Purple said as he started to slowly close the door, walking back up, to the base room.
Amethyst gulped softly, feeling as if something was forcing her to stay quiet as she presses a button on the camera on her head. A voice speaks in her ear with an earbud as she walks down. "Hey, Amethyst. It's me, square. I see that you're in the basement already. Okay so due to earlier circumstances, we'll have you keep on going straight for a while. Afterwards when you hit your first intersection you'll be taking a right. Got it?" Square says, talking through a small homemade headset.
"Got it.. How long until the turn? This feels a bit too long." Amethyst asked as she walked with a heavy breath. "It should be here in.. Less than 20 steps." Square responded as Amethyst started to lightly jog over. Once that short time was reached, Amethyst felt confused. Stopping in her tracks, she shakily speaks back. "H..Hey Square. You said go right because we already explored the left area.. right?" Amethyst responds somewhat worrying Square with her heavy breath.
"Um.. Yeah, why do you ask?" Square responds and asks as he looks at the small hand drawn map from an earlier expedition. "Well.. Did you ever say there was a middle path? Because I.. I see it." Amethyst says as she shakes softly. Square sounds a bit frantic on the mic as he looks around, and shuffles around a few papers. "What? A straight middle path? Impossible.. The layout of the left path contradicts such a thing. The layout would be crude and unorthodox with too many turns and gaps.." Square frantically says.
"Hey.. Square I don't mean to make you more confused, but the left path is.. Is turning.. I see it moving around the hallway.. It's not staying still.." Amethyst says in a somewhat scared tone while backing up against the wall. "What?! No.. No no that's not right.. That's not how buildings work. It's just not possible! I.. Just.. Just come back, I'll recondúcete this later when you have someone with you.. I need to set you both up."
Square says, Amethyst nods as she starts to walk back up the stairs. She quivers abit as she hears them creak.. Suddenly from behind she hears something. Something that chills her to the bone. A loud bellowing scream of pain that echoes from the hall below. It sounded far away, despite it being so loud, and she quickly turned to look in the direction of the noise. "S..Square did you hear that?!"
"What?.. What was that? It sounded like.. Like Fire." Square says in short breaths. "Should I attempt to investigate? It.. It might not be that bad." Amethyst said, slowly walking back down the stairs. "Wait! Okay, just wait. Purple is heading down there. He shouldn't be but a minute away. He can try to help navigate you. Just.. Just try to see if you can hide in the shadows while you wait for him. The last thing we need is Mother hearing us." Square says Amethyst starting to get a bit more shaky in her breaths.
Amethyst tries to go back down the steps and starts to huddle against the corner of the hallway, attempting to stay completely silent. Amethyst feels her body shivering completely as she hears the door open to the exit of this god forsaken basement. "Amethyst?.. You okay down here? Square told me to reroute down here.." The person at the doorway said, sounding exactly like Purple.. Amethyst still sat there, fearful of anything to happen.
The steps came down the stairs as Amethyst sat there, hoping it was her friend. Once she saw them, she was relieved that it was indeed Purple. She quickly got up and hugged him as she nervously shook, like a scared puppy. "W-Woah.. hey it's okay.. what's going on? Square said something about the basement being weird.. Um.. it certainly doesn't seem like what we left it.. Are you okay?" Purple asked, with Amethyst looking up at him, and then back to the basement.
"I.. I came down here, and.. e-everything started to just change on me! It started to move and mess up everything originally set up!" Amethyst exclaimed as she let go of Purple, starting to walk around. She was so nervous, and scared of what was happening, but Purple placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's going to be okay.. Let's still complete the mission Square sent.. If you need to, we can just hold hands.. As well as make sure that we don't get separated here." Purple said with a smile, holding his hand out to the girl. Amethyst blushed softly as she smiled and nodded, holding onto Purple's hand while the two started to venture into the unkown depths of the basement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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