He went to open the door but as soon as he unlocked it the door flung open nearly hitting jisung .

He looked up only to see his younger brother also known as jeongin standing there looking extremely worried . " yahh innie why are you here ?" jisung said trying to stand up but unfortunately he tripped over and almost fell but two arms caught him . jeongin lifted him up and let him sit on the bed . jeongin may seem younger than jisung but he is the most mature among the gang and he doesnt let anyone touch his beloved hyung . 

" hyung, i want you to answer this seriously ." jeongin said with a serious expression which worried jisung . he gluped hard when jeongin started speaking again ." hyung, are you getting blackmailed or  bullied " . jisung eyes widened . he gulped again ." ugg-" " answer me hyung " 

" yes " jisung intsntly said closing his eyes and letting his head fall down . Jisung got confused when jeongin didn't speak anything .

He lifted his head and saw something which caused his heart to clench . He immediately hugged the now crying jeongin embracing him . Jeongin immediately hugged him back and snuggled his head into jisung neck .

" H-hyung , why didn't you tell me " jeongin asked which jisung immediately answered " I didn't want to make you worried innie . I am sorry . " Jisung was also now crying sobbing . " Don't be sorry hyung . If you have something . You can tell me now hyung . " Jeongin comforted jisung .

" How did you know about this " jisung asked between his sobs . " I was walking and saw a girl threatening you . I wanted to come and help you but seungmin hyung dragged me away .sorry hyung " jisung parted away and took the letter and gave it to  jeongin who started reading slowly his hand reached his mouth covering it .

Jisung started to cry again harder this time before jeongin could comfort him a pair of arms wrapped around jisung patting his head . Jeongin turned to the person just to be shocked .

Earlier, Minho excitedly walked back to his dorm just to make his heart clench at the scene . Jisung was crying and jeongin was reading the same god damn letter which made jisung . He immediately went to his darling not even caring jeongin is in the room he hugged him and comforted him .

Back to where we are , jeongin was shocked to see Minho ' The Lee Minho ' hugging jisung and comforting him as he cried.

" Darling , don't cry . I am here for you " Minho comforted him as he rubbed his back . " Hyung ,s-she threatened me again . The s-same letter again . Now even w-worst " jisung said between his sobs .

Minho turned to see a shocked fox . He quickly picked up the letter and read it .



                                            DANGER SYMBOL'

Minho crumbled the paper and threw it somewhere in the room .

He hugged jisung tighter . " Wait a minute , are you two d-dating " jeongin spoke .

Jisung lifted his head and looked at Minho who just smiled and nodded his head . Jeongin saw how much Minho loved and cared for jisung in just a few moments . He was happy . Happy for his broken hyung .

' he finally found the right person ' jeongin thought but became cringe at the lovely dovely couple hugging and comforting .

" Gish i feel so single now I need hyunjin hyung " jeongin said as he stood up and left their dorm probably running to his ' boyfriend ' .

" Wait a minute , are they ' Dating '" the both said in union . Minho noticed that jisung stopped crying so he sat beside him and took one of jisung's hand and caressed it . " Jisung , just ignore that letter. You know that's not true at all . I freaking love you . " By now Minho hugged jisung who immediately hugged him back .

" I know hyung ." Jisung said which absolutely true . He trusted Minho with all his heart . He knows Minho character well .

That night

Minsung went for dinner at their regular cafeteria . They sat down at their usual seats .

As jisung was eating he felt a cold liquid flowing from his head to his chin . He touched his face and he immediately turned his head and saw her .

She was smirking which soon turned to a smile as Minho stood up clenching his jaw and hands which she didn't see .

Jisung was about to say something but Minho beat him to it . Minho grabbed her neck chocking her . Jisung grabbed minho's arm to make him let go . The girl begged Minho to let go ( actually I forgot her name ) .

" You dare to touch jisung . You threatened him . You bullied him . How can I let you go ." Minho said with a serious expression and deep voice which scared everyone .

Minho added " And I am not your boyfriend . Jisung is my boyfriend . He is mine and I am his . Don't you dare get in my way " .

The girl got hella scared . Jisung begged Minho to let go . Minho just shrugged . He looked at jisung who was worried . He just smiled at him .

Minho let go of her with a warning . " Don't you dare touch jisung ever again or even dare to utter his name . You are dead . "

The girl ran away crying . Everybody just looked at the scene . " WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT HUH" Minho shouted making everybody turn their heads around and do their things .

Minho sat at his seat angrily . Before anyone could say anything Minho spoke ." Yes!! We are dating and this matter ends here " everybody could see minho's frustration and he didn't want to talk about anything . So they nodded. 

Jisung thought this matter has ended and he is happy and grateful for Minho .

Will his happiness be forever or not ?


Guyyyysssss !!!! This is the new chapter . From here the story will be twisted .

Admiring You - Minsung Where stories live. Discover now