Chapter 6

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"Then, I'll leave him to you, Higuchi-san!" Ayatsuji heard Tsujimura say with a bow.

Even if the glass repairs my ears from noises, the work of these windows is getting poorly done... Eighter she's too loud or I need triple glassed windows. Not too sure it would be enough, though.

He gazed down the window, seeing the figure of Higuchi bowing down in a calmer motion. He saw her mouth moving, but her voice couldn't be heard from there.

Of course she is the one being too loud... My windows would do a perfect job otherwise. Ayatsuji thought, exhaling a gray puff of smoke.

He read the labbial of Higuchi. He had a knock with prying on others' affairs, and labbial was one of the first things he learnt as a kid. His job just made that innate skill of his refine. It was quite handy for him to know what others around him say, for his cases, but also for his own schemes and advantages.

"Thank you for teaching me everything I need to know, I'll take it from here." That sentence she delivered seemed to hype up Tsujimura.

"Of course! And remember: if you are not sure you can let him do something, just don't let him!"

"What the hell is she telling her?" Ayatsuji muttered frustrated, feeling the hurge to throw something at her through the window. He did know that the snipers around his house wouldn't have let him off without opening fire, though.

"I'll judge by the situation." He read Higuchi's lips.

"No! You have rules to follow!" Tsujimura's huffing voice was too redundant for him.

I think their talk is far from over, but it seems boring enough I could just skip it. He yawned leaning on his armchair, pondering whether to start making another doll or reading for the millionth time the same book. It was a hard choice.

"Uhm... About the report I gave you this morning..." Tsujimura began fidgeting with her shoe. "Do never let him have the reports about cases first. When the task hits his desk, he rushes to close the case. It's a habit of his, and you have to keep him in control."

Such a badmouthing treatment from this department... Ayatsuji sighed.

"You sure like to make him sound like a dog of some kind..." Higuchi hummed. "I'll try my best to get the cases first, and if I were not to... I think he could handle it by himself well enough."

"No! NO! Higuchi-san, pleaaseee..." Tsujimura face palmed. "You are the one that has to tell him whether to use his ability or not!"

Inside Higuchi's head: "C'mon Ayatsuji Yukito, I choose you! Use Another!" Ayatsuji Yukito successfully attacked Culprit. It's a one-hit K.O! You won the fight! You obtained 500 pokédollars.

Higuchi quickly shook her head to get rido f the image.

"I don't think he would be alright with that..." She said. "...and it's not like ordering around will do much. He's been doing this since who knows when, he certainly knows what the situation requires."

One who is kind enough to give me that, thank you. Ayatsuji chuckled dryly.

"Absolutely not. Don't let his leash come loose."

Higuchi slowly nodded. "As you wish."

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To think a week passed already... It means that now I have to deal with Ayatsuji-san alone for a whole month... Higuchi thought as she hit the bed. And that I haven't seen Senpai since then...!!! She kicked her legs in the air, squealing distressed.

Lost Memories: Higuchi and Ayatsuji's other storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang