"Get me out of here! Please get me out of here!" He cried. Full force, he pounded his left shoulder into the door.
Suddenly, he felt a warm breathing against his nape, causing him to pound the door even harder but to no avail, the door didn't even budge. Not an inch.
Something from behind him slowly ran its hand to his face with a sinister howling voice followed it and he quickly shut his eyes, squatting down with his hands covering his ears. He let out a shriek of so much fear, a shriek from the depths of his soul.
In the midst of tremendous terror the thoughts about his parents whom he long to see floated inside his fearful mind.

"Mom...dad..." he whispered fearfully.

"Jisung...you here?" Minjeong called out as she poked her head into another dim room and quickly stepped away when she didn't get any reply. That was when she felt a cold hand lightly touched her shoulder that sent the creepy-crawly sensation all over her body but when she turned around, she saw no one. She gulped hard and began to walk away as she felt the hairs at the back of her neck stood tall; the eerie feeling of being watched crawled up her spine.
She turned around every so often to see if someone was following her but she didn't see anyone and all that could be heard was only the sound of her own footsteps, thumping against the floor. She walked down the stairs and continued to find her brother until she registered a dark silhouette standing in the shadows.

"Jisung..." she called out but in one fluid motion the dark silhouette disappeared and she felt another cold hand touched her shoulder.
A sudden rush of fear began to creep into her again.
Turning around, she was greeted by the image of a ghastly old woman with a pair of frightening red eyes drilled into hers. Minjeong screamed and stumbled backwards, falling onto her back. She crawled backwards until her back hit a wall behind her.
The frightening creature did not say a word but a corner of her mouth twisting into a devilish grin as she slowly stepped towards her and Minjeong screamed her loudest scream.

Karina looked up from the photo she was staring at when she heard an indistinct screaming sound coming from somewhere inside the house. It wasn't clear if it was a sound of a real person or it was just another strange sound that she heard almost every night inside the scary old house but something inside her told her to run to the sound. She quickly put the photo inside the drawer and grabbed her coat before dashing out the door.
A screaming sound slowly faded as she strolled down a narrow corridor and entered a small hall. She found a scary old woman with a pair of red eyes standing in the middle of the hall, flashing her a disturbing grin. Behind her was a girl with long hair that covered a part of her face, she sat with her back pressed up against the wall with her knees hugged against her chest, her whole body trembling.
Karina could tell that this girl was extremely terrified. The scary old woman then vanished, leaving her with the poor girl alone in the small hall.
Karina slowly approached her and gently tapped her shoulder when she was on her level. The girl let out another scream but quickly stopped when their eyes met.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly while the girl just stared at her in wonder.
Karina looked at the girl concerndly and that was when she realized something about her.
She could see her.
This could only mean one thing; she was also trapped inside this house.
Before Karina could ask her further questions, a sudden clunking noise of the old woman's cane was heard approaching them from behind and she felt a sudden sharp pain on her back before everything went black.
Minjeong let out a gasp of shock when she saw the old woman hit the girl in front of her with her cane until she passed out. Quickly, she crawled away from them in so much terror. Everything that happened in just one night inside this utterly scary house was just too much for her. Now she just wanted to find her brother and leave this place immediately. She climbed to her feet and ran into another long corridor.

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