Part 2

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Minjeong threw her gaze to the guy once again when he made another rustling noise of the bedsheets.
She held her breath.
This attractive guy was about to wake up from his sleep and she didn't want him to find her standing anywhere near him when that happens. He wouldn't be happy to find out that someone barged in when he was asleep.
Quietly, she stepped away from him and made her way back towards the door.

I should have searched for my brother, she scolded herself, skulking through the door.

Jeno attempted to open his eyes but the lids felt heavy.
He couldn't get himself to open his eyes but as he drifted between sleep and awareness, visions of his wife and children floated in his thoughts and caused him to stir again in his bed.
He forced one of his eyes open for a brief moment, but the bright light was overwhelming and he closed it again. Slowly his eyes drifted open and he took in his surroundings through squinted eyes. He found himself in a bright, low-ceilinged narrow room. It took awhile for his eyes to adjust to the bright light.
As Jeno slowly pushed himself to sit up a sudden pain began to surge through his body. He groaned painfully and fell down, his body colliding with the hard floor but soon he brought himself to his knees and rose to his feet.

"My grandmother's sister?" Karina tilted her head to one side thoughtfully.
The scary old woman nodded slowly, walking back towards Karina and stood in front of her with her hands rested on the top of her cane.

"You and Jeno found her body inside the chest in the storage years ago." She explained, a creepy smile across her face.

"How did she die?" Karina asked quietly, many questions began to surface inside her mind. She was curious about the grisly old woman with red eyes who had been haunting her inside the house.

"She killed herself by thrusting a dagger deep within her heart." The old woman replied, still with that creepy smile plastered on her face.
Karina grimaced upon listening to her answer but found herself wanting to know more about her grandmother's sister.

"Let me tell you a little thing about her." The old woman said, stepping closer to her.

"One time, a fugitive ran into this house to hide but just a few hours after he entered this house, his dead body was found lying in the livingroom. A servant said, your grandmother's sister whispered something in his ear and he started to scream for the long hour before he encased his head in a plastic bag and asphyxiated himself."
Karina gasped, chills creeping along her skin.
And in a quietest, menacing voice, the old woman said.

"I tell you, she doesn't like seeing anyone being happy." A grin stretched to each side of her cheeks before turning around to leave.
Karina looked down at the ground, clutching her hands into fists, feeling a sudden anger that once hidden below the surface.

"Just like you." She  quietly said and the old woman stopped in her tracks.

"You killed my husband and imprisoned me here! What do you want actually?! I get that you hold a grudge towards my grandmother but she's already dead and I don't know why I deserve all the punishment!" Karina yelled at her, standing up from her seat. The old woman continued to step towards the door, ignoring the things that Karina just said to her.

"I'm not done yet!" She yelled again, grabbing a cushion and threw it at the old woman's back. However, she still didn't want to respond to her, walking through the door without a word.

Jisung was walking down a long, narrow corridor when he heard a strange sound coming from an open door to his left. He stood still for a moment until he heard a low voice.

"Come here, I'll tell you about your parents."
Without a second thought he went through that door but once he stepped inside, the door behind him suddenly slammed shut. He ran back towards the door to open it but to his horror, it was locked from the outside. He slowly turned around and pressed his back against the door only to find that he was all alone inside the room. An empty room with an old wardrobe stood strangely in the middle of the room.
He felt fear fill up his chest when a sudden gust of cold air sinking through his skin and the wardrobe door opened by itself, slowly and eerily.
He shut his eyes tightly and turned to face the door before hitting it with his fists.

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