A Helping Hand Part 7

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You were strangely calm and that shocked you. You have been in battles before, but this one was personal. You knew Thorin wanted Azog dead, but so did you. You had to make sure that Azog will not harm any of the line of Durin, that was a vow you intended on keeping.

As you continue, you all climb up the hill and saw a ruin on top of it. Many Orcs start coming out of there but with your sword in hand, you, Thorin and the rest of the company, soon stop that, by killing them.

Glancing around, you noticed there is a frozen river between Azog and yourself. You had two options. You could either get of your horse and slowly make your way on the frozen lake or, you could see what lay ahead by going in this ruin.

Getting of your horse, you quietly stroke his forehead and silently whisper something in his ear. The horse neighs, then turns around galloping away from what was about to happen. You turned toward the ruin and frowned, you had a bad feeling about this place, but you knew you had to go in there.

It seemed Thorin had the same idea and you slowly follow him and his men down this dark ruin, knowing you were getting nearer to your nemesis.Your swords ready for any advancing Orc, you watch for any sign of life that doesn't belong to the company you were keeping.

You were walking in step with Fili, though you were looking for your foes.Just as it looked like there wasn't any Orcs left, several turned up and you all instinctively fight them, quickly killing them all. You thought this was too easy and had a feeling Azog was mocking you all.

Something just did not feel right that was for sure.There was a little clearing in the ruins and you look ahead at the frozen lake. On the other side of the river, you could faintly see wooden machines through the mist. That was all you could see and that bothered you. Just where was Azog?

"Where is he?" sneered Thorin, now standing beside you.

"Oh he's around," You point out "I can sense him."

You turn and watch Thorin as he continues looking ahead.

"Please be careful." You whispered.

Thorin turns and looks at you. You could tell that he was back to his old self, to which you were thankful for, but it didn't stop you from worrying about him.

"Tatiana I-,"

"Looks empty. I think Azog has fled!" interrupted Kili.

"I don't think so...Fili, take your brother. Scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight. If you see something, report back, do not engage, do you understand?!" said Thorin, watching the two brothers.

"We have company. Goblin mercenaries. No more than a hundred." You heard Dwalin say and you all turn around, noticing many Orcs heading this way.

You turn around again and sighed. You felt like something was telling you to go with the two brothers. You had always trusted this feeling and you wasn't about to let your inner voice down.

"I will go with them," You say to Thorin, glancing back at him "but I meant what I said, be careful."

You turn and face the other dwarves.

"That goes for all of you, be careful."

Before you go with Fili and Kili, Thorin surprised you by pulling you to him and embracing you.

"You have always been the voice of reason to me," whispered Thorin "but you need to listen to your own advice as well."

He pulled apart a little and pressed his forehead against yours.

"Be careful."

You swallowed hard as you watch his blue eyes look back at you with so many emotions in them. You had missed him and you hoped that if things turn out well, you and Thorin could have a long discussion about things.

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