"Who dares?" Animo asks. "That isn't how to tell a joke, miscreant." Brainstorm tells him, holding Manny. Meanwhile, Aria is nowhere to be seen. "First, I say, 'Knock, Knock.' Then you say, 'Who dares?'" He explains. "You would mock D'Void?" The man asks. "D'Void? I thought you went by Animo?" Aria asks, appear behind him. "What?" Animo whips around only to find Aria with a light orb. "Huh?" The girl mocks, throwing the orb at him and grabbing Helen while he is blinded and landing beside Brainstorm and Manny. "You know, my name Helper? How?" Animo asks once he recovered. "As much as we'd love to stay and chat, we must leave now." Aria tells him, looking over at Brainstorm, who electrocutes him. "Let's go!" Helen grabs them and runs away.


The group watches as a Null Guardian steals an alien's son. "Come on. We've got to help him." Ben ushers. "No." Manny grabs him with his robot hand. "What happened to your--" "D'Void is too strong to fight." Manny tells him and walks away. "What's going on here?" Aria asks and the remaining three watch the alien walk inside sadly and they follow him. "Thanks for hiding us." Helen thanks him. "I'm--I'm so sorry about your son." She apologizes. "D'Void takes everything. Our only hope is the Wrench and you Helpers." The alien says. "Okay, who's the Wrench? Come to think of it, who are you?" Ben asks. "Isn't the Null Void a prison?" Aria asks. "No, not a prison. A penal colony. Long ago, the Galvin created this pocket dimension so they could banish the criminals from the universe itself. To some, it was a chance to start again. My ancestors have tilled these asteroids since the beginning." The alien shares. "Over time, other worlds discovered the Null Void and started dumping their criminals here, as well." Helen takes over.

"But the Galvin had foreseen that problem and created the Null Guardians." Manny continues. "It wasn't an easy life, but it was bearable... Until he came. D'Void somehow gained control of the Null Guardians. Now he reigns supreme, conscripting anyone, everyone-- to dig for comite in his accursed mines." The alien finishes. "I've tangled with D'Void--" "Ahem." Aria throws Ben a side glance. "We've tangled with D'Void before. On my world, he calls himself 'Dr. Animo.' and he has the power to control animals. That's how he's controlling the Null Guardians." Ben shares. "You tangled with D'Void?" Manny asks. "Believe it or not we did." Aria replies, crossing her arms. "How did you survive?" He asks. "Not just survive. We won. This invulnerability and the whole crazy-strong thing-- all new." Ben shares. "Okay. So you take us back to Earth. We load up on equipment, find some reinforcements, and shut down D'Void once and for all." Manny says. "That's not an option. I lost my tether. There's no way to get my team here to help." Ben tells him. "And I can't teleport us to Earth and back 'cause I can't feel anything outside of this dimension." Aria sighs.

"Great. Some saviors you brought us, can't even save themselves." Manny insults. "You better watch your tone." Aria warns him. "Or what?" Manny asks, leaning closer. "You wanna find out?" Aria asks, raising her hands, which burned with fire. "All right, you two." Helen gets between them. "Manny, they've fought D'Void before. Maybe they can help us." Helen reasons, looking back at the teens. "Anyway, that's not for us to decide." She adds, and Manny growls and Aria rolls her eyes.


Helen and Manny took the teens to see the Wrench, which happened to be on the other side of a bridge. "This is where you live?" Ben asks. "This is where he lives. We live... wherever." Manny replies. "Interesting place to live." Aria comments, looking around. "Helen!" A voice shouts. "What have you done?! You brought outsiders here?" A boy wearing a jetpack with quills on his face asks. "Nobody gets to see the Wrench." He says, and Aria rolls her eyes. "He's a friend, Pierce. I told you. He's the whole reason we came to find you." Helen tells him. "Maybe. Or maybe these guys are just shapeshifters, showing you what you want to see." Pierce says. "Really dude?" Aria asks. "Look, if you want to take me to see your boss, fine. If not, we'll find him ourselves." Ben steps up. "There's only one way to get to the Wrench. Across here... and through me." Pierce says, landing in front of them. "Fine by me." Ben says, taking a few steps forward and removing his jetpack. "Some fight, you're a walking pincushion, and I'm empty-handed." Ben comments. 

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